When I woke up this morning, there was a crystal-clear readiness and understanding in my soul that pinpointed some of the frustrating things and ruminating questions that I've deeply pondered over the past few months...

SOME OF US have been chosen as a "breakthrough generation", from the pervasive ills and wiles of the enemy that have kept our families CAPTIVE, from fully experiencing and realizing - "God's Best", for us!

I SAW many of the long-standing strongholds - "instantly MELTING" in the Presence of Almighty God - THIS MORNING!

YOUR STANDING has been all about something QUITE SIGNIFICANT!

It has NOT just been about some "little problem" that we've blown out of proportion in our own minds, like - "past due bills", "pending deadlines", or "pressing circumstances" that really just feels like "heavy weights of bondage"!

YOU ARE ENTERING into a dimension of purpose that perfectly aligns with "the bowls of prayer being poured-out, from Heaven to earth", which have reached a TIPPING-POINT before Almighty God!

MOST of what WE will experience as it pertains to the GLORY that God has longed to lavish upon us, is TIED to prayers from generation's past!

Our AGREEMENT, through simply choosing to LIVE the life and WALK-OUT the promises of God, is the "converging point" that settles the "legal matters" we've had to weather, during the times we've boldly chosen to confess HIS will - and, when everything in our lives disagreed with HIS Word!

How do you know if this word pertains to YOU?

Well, you've encountered the following, the more you've chosen to pursue your "promised land":

*Extreme Pressure - Life tends to bring challenges and difficulties anyways, whether you're pursuing God's Will or not; BUT the pressure allowed in this past season, was meant to bring us all to our "breaking points of total surrender"! Shifting from self-dependence to God-dependence, is a very taxing transitional process, but the end result is what I call "TRIPLE-S" - "Safe, Secure and Satisfied", in Christ alone!

*Familial Dividedness - There are seasons during our growth and maturity in Christ that God allows "family divides" to be painfully experienced, for the benefit of strengthening our resolve in the things of God, and settling us in HIS love for the unlovely and unregenerate that calculate, criticize and crucify our "flesh" in the process of becoming more "like HIM"; until HE can trust us to represent HIS heart to them, no matter who they choose to be in our lives..

*Peculiar Anointing - As many of you are well aware, you are DIFFERENT, and God chose you amongst many other persons to BE a peculiar representative of HIS; to your family, friends and the world HE's called you to reach in HIS Name! All the crushing, pressing and process that only - YOU seemed to have-had to traverse, has qualified you for a measure of fruitfulness and supernatural demonstration that you may have never thought possible..

*Fearless Passion - Anyone that has become a "soaring representation" of greatness and purpose fulfilled in Christ, had to both own and act-out their God-given passion, without FEAR of contradiction! This means - for a season, your gift and message may seem irrelevant to the world you're trying to reach, UNTIL the time "the ministry through you" becomes "bigger than you" - and then, all that there is to do, is to FOLLOW HIM!

BE EXCITED and not intimidated, if this speaks to where you've been or are presently at, in this emerging season!

AND, don't IGNORE or RESIST what's "making YOU" into HIS "vessel of honor"!


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