Key Scriptures: Matthew 20:1-16 and Matthew 22:1-14


As I've been praying and writing on this particular blog, I've also been paying attention to the general "climate" in the marketplace, with a clear draw of my heart towards the entertainment community, especially.  

WHY?  Because, I SEE a generation "crying out", through the various "artistic expressions" that don't just create "controversy" - but reveals a condition of the heart that is clearly wrestling and resisting, Holy Spirit's direct-dealings with them.

Also, another "major sign" of Holy Spirit's dynamic and deliberate work, is the aggressive pursuits and posturing associated with "violently pushing - gay marriage and the alternative lifestyle", openly - representing "anti-christ" sentiments, and deliberately - fueling contentious claims against" IS A CATALYST, "IN THE LAND OF THE FREE"...

As I was just listening to "Flame's song - Running", I got STIRRED-UP by the "supernatural brewing" that is going on amongst our "African-American & Latino Youth"! (http://youtu.be/Z4CfHDyeq0Y)  FLAME is "spitting" about "the hypocrisy amongst Christians", who often tend to be "in worst bondage", than the people that their trying to help...

It's NOT difficult too see, how "social and economic injustice" has been a catalyst for many "far-reaching" changes and developments that have occured in this nation, but unfortunately, situations that have devastating impacts upon society, seem to move us along toward positive change - more than the "prosperity" that we're all seeking...

And also, with things like "The Trayvon Martin Story", and the surrounding incidents that have led to "a universal outcry" from ALL COMMUNITIES, NOT just "Black Folks"; the Spirit of Grace "NOW" has the attention of the world; but, more importantly and specifically - our "Black Youth"!

In case you DIDN'T KNOW..."Black Folks" (our "youth" specifically), are TRENDSETTERS & TRANSITION-GETTERS, which means:
**- WE tend to both "dictate" and "determine" many of the "demographic and psychographic patterns" in large metropolitan areas - and "urban environments", which some people "see" as a negative consequence of the "higher incidence" of crime, societal ills, etc.; and 
**- WE influence the "migratory patterns" that directly affects - city planning, community reinvestment, urban planning, municipality's - comprehensive planning, state and federal legislative and public-policy matters, as well as federal and state appropriations and devolving "formula grants"; and, much of what the "predominate culture" does, or will do, as far as the direction of the marketplace is concerned, which is primarily contingent upon the "transition-getters" amongst our "Black youth" - for good, bad and ugly reasons - unfortunately.

"Urban bias" refers to a political economy argument according to which economic development is hampered by groups who, by their central location in urban areas, are able to pressure governments to protect their interests. It is a structural condition of overurbanization and its growth leads to saturated urban labour market, truncated opportunity structures in rural areas, overburdened public services, distorted sectoral development in national economies, the isolation of large segments of the urban and rural population from the fruits of economic development, and retarded economic growth due to "the HIGH COSTS of urban development".  Groups often said to have an 'urban bias' include: governments, political parties, labor unions, students, laws, civil servants and manufacturers. These interests are portrayed as often not reflecting the comparative economic advantage of the country, usually a less-industrialized country whose comparative advantage is considered to be export agriculture.  Among the leading scholars to claim urban bias are Michael Lipton and Robert H. Bates.  The notion of urban bias is particularly popular among those who advocate neoliberal economic policies. Many World Bank publications use the notion of urban bias to support policies oriented toward export agriculture. (Wikipedia)

TRANSLATE, Pastor...(Lol!)

In "laymen's terms", the "institutional powers" - are seeking relief from the burdens of "development in urban areas", but NOT, without "special consideration" and "financial support" being given!


MANY PEOPLE are unawares of the fact - the Spirit of Grace is moving in the earth, according to the "Reconciliatory Pattern" that can be seen throughout scripture, but especially in the New Testament (Acts 3:19-21) to bring: REPENTANCE, REFRESHING & RESTORATION into the entire earth!

THAT MEANS, "things are being - RECLAIMED", and in order for ALL THINGS to be placed "underneath HIS feet", prior to Christ "delivering the Kingdom of Heaven - once again to GOD - The Father's Throne", until HE completely "fills, all-in-all", and puts an end to all rule and all authority and power; CHRIST's Body must truly "occupy, till HE comes"! (1 Corinthians 15:12-28)


ABSOLUTELY, EVERYTHING! Like - The Arts...Physical & Social Sciences... Education... Families... etc.

"Well, since it's getting "even darker"... How do you figure that there - being RECLAIMED?"

Because of what CHRIST ACCOMPLISHED at Calvary for the entire world, having already "reclaimed the keys" - of death, hell and the grave, HIS "current missional focus" is to bring "Redemptive Influence" to bear, EVERY PLACE that the enemy (Satan) has stolen from us (humanity)!

The RECLAIMING is amongst "PEOPLE that influence - systems in this world", but not necessarily "the system", itself... In other words...GOD is NOT trying to save the "stock market", "banking system", or "Fortune-100 Company" - per say. Many of these areas or fields, "serve HIS purpose" in one way or another, BUT, the goal is "reaching people and changing hearts"!

I am NOT talking about "Dominionism", which is "the idea that Christians should work toward either a nation governed by Christians, or one governed by - a conservative Christian understanding of biblical law"; like a form of theocracy or Theonomy.."  THAT IS CLEARLY - NOT, what I'm talking about!!!

GOD WANTS to reveal HIMSELF to:
- "The Academician", who is earnestly contending between what "their logic" and "their colleagues" have to say, which directly opposes the Word of God...
- "The Hollywood Producer", whose use to making money, but is struggling with the "dark connotation" of the films that he or she produces; and, has compromised for so long that "changing streams" could mean, "their career"...
- "The Research Scientist or Biochemist", whose discovered the legitimacy of their recent findings - directly conflicts with the traditional theories that "completely removes God from the equation", but, if they share their research - they may be "black-balled" or rendered a "religious fundamentalist"; or even worse - their work and entire career gets DISCREDITED! 
- "Jay-Z, Kanye West, and a host of others" - just like The Lord did recently, with - Lauryn Hill (http://youtu.be/TK7YSxDonfY), to show them all - "THERE IS A BETTER WAY", to use their talents (gifts and graces), and to share whatever "message" they have from life; which is "the primary issue" with them all, because, some of them "know Christ" - but are sending out a "mixed-message" with their current choices and lifestyles... 


WATCH "The Genesis Code" to get an IDEA of what I mean by "RECLAIMING"...
>>SEE LINK<<  (If you go to "1:07:14 - 1:38:42" in the movie, you'll SEE what I mean, exactly. (http://www.cross.tv/90872)


In the "early 80's", when the "genre" was first burgeoning and emerging into the marketplace, it was seen as: Breakdancing, DJ'ing, Emceeing, & Graffiti...

NOW, it's VOICE is seen as:

"A Global-Cause" - "Hip Hop" is now, the established voice to the predominate culture, for connecting and cohering a "movement" towards any particular societal issue or problem that negatively impacts "the community" as a whole.

"A Diverse Color-Spectrum" - "Hip Hop" now demonstrates the artistic diversity of expression and the multiplicity of unique art-forms, artifacts and artistry, which is represented by "the community" - worldwide, and is presented through and across numerous tribes, ethnicities and nationalities.

"A Global-Community" - "Hip Hop" is the acculturation of "tribes", derived from a range of cultures, ethnicities and nationalities that celebrates community while challenging society, anywhere and everywhere its voice and its influence can be represented.

"A Global-Consciousness" - "Hip Hop" is the general worldview and value system that characterizes the attitude and accomplishments of the community as a whole, reaching beyond generational disparities (trans-generational) and socio-economic lines.

"A Cultural-Diplomacy Agent" - "Hip Hop" is the converging blend or mix of emerging ideals, realities, and social behaviors that influences those who partake of its growing influence and impact upon geo-political, economic and ("soft") cultural diplomacy - using every unique "art form" (rhymes, Spoken Word, etc) to tackle some of society's toughest issues.

"An Economic Catalyst" - "Hip Hop" has saturated the "entire marketplace" (Fortune 1000, 500 & 100 Companies) - from advertising, to product placements in movies, to alcoholic beverages, and "new product innovations" that are looking to the "Hip Hop - Branding Dynamics", to help "sell their existing and new product lines".


"The Hip Hop Culture & Community" has tremendous influence, AND both a powerfully-unique economic and social power-base (which has been "partially tapped"), that carries serious implications AND ramifications upon many of the growing trends that exist today. But, it has also "become a force" and a "voice" that just maybe... - you and I might not have even fully realized, UNTIL NOW!

And now, since it's become a "viable - marketing vehicle" with a very open and vibrant - "marketing segments" and "target markets"...Moving the "consumer-base of loyal supporters" to "particular ends" - politically speaking (especially), is NO EASY TASK!

Where will things go from here, Pastor?  We SHALL see, but now, our eyes must recognize that the "genre" is more than just "rap music" at this "stage of the game"...All the other expressions of "Hip Hop Culture", includes: "alternative", "rock", and "world" music; and the list goes on...


"Markets - always change", in response to cultural, economic and political forces.  A "marketer's dominance" in one period, is never assured in the next period, no matter how strong its brand; look at GM and Ford. Yet, it is the nature of dominant competitors, to move cautiously to adapt to new market conditions. They do not easily relinquish "proven" formulas that produced so much success. Furthermore, the management, operations and marketing skills that are "wed to those formulas", run deep within a dominant competitor's organization, reinforcing internal resistance to change. It's human nature to become enamored with the trappings of dominance. This opens the door for smaller players, who are more in-tune with the changing market and able to respond more nimbly. Often, only an outsider can bring enough objectivity to see this subtle "killer arrogance." (Gary D. Foster, GFD Consulting/"The Foster Letter")

So, based upon Mr. Foster's critique, "PREPARING for the future", means:  Developing a "fluid infrastructure" (from a business or ministerial perspective) that takes into account the changing marketplace conditions, product innovations, and "new technology" that is emerging ON the horizon, while recognizing that "customer loyalty" is NOT about "allegiance to your brand"; BUT, "common interests and heart convictions" that truly dictates sales growth, industry category dynamics, and "understanding the consumer"...

The GRIP of "psychological obsolescence" on our culture, will no longer have as "strong-a-hold" as before, with the "thoughtful consumer" - at least, whose "appetite" for more, will NOT be the driving force of their decision-making process!

Instead, "consumer loyalty based upon personal connection", will emerge as the primary motivation behind people's consumer and philanthropic habits! (WS-3)


The current "reigning - consumer demographic" (with the greatest "buying power") is the "Baby Boomers", who will actually be retiring over the next ten to fifteen years; which has been termed - "The Graying of America" (There are MANY opportunities here). 

The Generation X'ers and the Millennials, both have unique "consumer" and "philanthropic" habits that are also being studied and recorded for the forecasting and strategic planning purposes of charities, multi-national corporations and municipalities - alike... 

But, with the vulnerability and voluminous change in the marketplace: with traditional commerce and e-commerce - through globalization and the Internet, the proliferation of "new" technologies, and the rapidity of real-time information exchange, "the next wave, is already here"; and, it must be properly harnessed and directed, for the prosperity of the Generation X'ers, to occur!

Anyone who is hurriedly trying to "implement change", without gaining "the Mind of the Spirit" - and building "proper awareness" of the new landscape, before "organizing and reinventing themselves", are bound to make many mistakes!

The use of "new technologies" will definitely serve beneficial, on many different fronts - for many different reasons, but, "to employ" - before you explore and test, based upon your peculiar business or ministry mandate", is definitely unwise!


A "kingdom-centric movement" has been developing over the past decade or longer, but we've been "working out the quirks" of our understanding, concerning "what it means" AND "what it is supposed to look like"!  And, while the focus has fostered a greater degree of "unity" and cooperation amongst many segments of the Body, the communities that we do ministry in - seem quite "unsettled and disinterested", and are TRULY, "awaiting the manifestations of sons"; which we can ALL be the representation of, if we PRAY!

In my years of observing and studying "church history", two of the "key indicators" of  genuine - "revival tendencies and propensities" in our generation - IS, the present "crazy state of affairs in society-at-large" and the profound "cultural resistance to the Church; but, NOT to the Gospel of Jesus Christ"?!?  More often than before, people are drawing a distinction between "Christ" and "HIS followers"...

WHY? Because, even the world - KNOWS the authentic move of God's Spirit, from every other "religious characterization and representation" of it, which doesn't genuinely change or transform the world that Christ died to save! 

REAL POWER doesn't need a special "Christian invitation" or "sermonic appeal"! When people SEE GOD AT WORK, repentance is the next thing to occur! PRAY SAINTS...


When an "art form" becomes an "institutional force", politically, socially and economically, "it" negotiates at a "different level", amongst "the institutional powers" and "the remnant elite" of our day and time!

And, as there are yet "many" speculations and accounts of groups like: "The Illuminati", which is a fairly "new community" of entertainment professionals - that is said to have originated from associations with other "Secret Societies", Satanic movements, and occultist associations - "Hip Hop" is a "God-idea" from it's origins, and is BEING RECLAIMED also; by many anointed voices, like LECRAE, DA' TRUTH, THE CROSS MOVEMENT, T-BONE, etc.

"DON'T SLEEP" on "HIP HOP", ever again!


Walter L. Smith III, Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
6767 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 8-407
Hollywood, CA 90028
(213)293-6249 - Ministry Office


"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"


{Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc.}



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