Wikipedia defines an "open relationship", as an "interpersonal relationship" in which the parties want to be together, but agree to a form of a non-monogamous relationship.  This basically means that they agree that a romantic or intimate relationship - with another person, is accepted, permitted, or tolerated. 

Generally speaking, this "open relationship", is when the parties involved, have two or more romantic or sexual relationships - occurring at the same time; either as a short-term relationship, such as dating or as a long-term relationship, or as a marriage.  The concept of an "open relationship" has been recognized since the early 1970s.

The diabolical misnomer that "freedom warrants - uninhibited expression and action", is the "biggest lie", and actually the spiritual backdrop and  foundation for this "spirit of lawlessness" that is leading to all kinds of debauchery, lasciviousness and license "in people", choosing to act inappropriately; because the humanistic drum of "live and let live" - is beating with no true anchor for the bankrupt, deceived, and unsettled soul.

"Hybrid relationships" is defined as one partner is non-monogamous, and the other partner is monogamous.  "Swinging" is defined as in "singles" or "partners" in a "committed relationship", engaging in sexual activities - with others, as a "recreational or social activity".

To a large degree, these "open relationships" are a generalization of the concept of "a relationship - beyond monogamous relationships".  Another form of "open relationship" is the "open marriage", in which the participants in a marriage, have an "open relationship", with specific and agreed upon terms of exchange...  These kind of "open relationships" may also be further classified, into "open" groups and "closed" groups. In "open groups", "multiple partners" may change at any time, and tend to contain three types of participants: core members, associated members, and affiliated members. 

"Core members" are those participants, who have been sexually intimate with several others; "associated members" are those who are involved sexually with at least two members of the group; and "affiliated members" are those people who believe in a similar philosophy accepted by others, and are actually seen as members of the group - even though they are "only" involved with their mate - the "core member". In a "closed group", all participants are "core members".

So, the term "open relationship" is sometimes used interchangeably with the closely related term - "polyamory", but the two concepts are not identical. "Polyamory" is the practice, desire, or acceptance of having more than one intimate relationship at a time, with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved. It is often described as consensual, ethical, or "responsible" non-monogamy. WOW!

While an "open relationship" is sometimes used as a synonym for "polyamory" or "polyamorous relationship", the terms are not synonymous. The "open" in "open relationship" usually refers to the sexual aspect of a non-closed relationship, whereas "polyamory" refers to the extension of a relationship, by allowing bonds to form (which may be sexual or otherwise) as additional long term relationships.  

The term - "friends with benefits", is also fairly recent, having come about within the past few decades, which makes this behavior "socially acceptable" and seen as "progressive living", in the sense of NOT allowing "tradition", "religion", or "societal norms" to restrict the darkness of "open relationships".

A subset of "polyamory" is "polyfidelity". These are relationships that use an "evenly distributed and rotating - sleeping schedule" that determines "who sleeps together, and when". In this type of relationship, no one sleeps with anyone - outside of those originally involved in the group. WHEW... 

I could GO ON and ON, but I won't! I'll spare you the foolishness and pedantic escapades of broken, perverted and wounded people, for the TRUTH of God's Word during the rest of this blog...

The "societal decline" that is both evident and intensifying in our world, has with it - a horrible scourge of darkness, guilt, and shame attached! The "reality shows", "cable phenom's", and "network programs" - full of adultery, cheating, greed, hyper-sexuality, lying, perversion, and 'scandal' (look at "the saints"; YOU thought I was going to pick-on, your "favorite show"!), is the "sad" backdrop behind the growing resistance to "traditional family values", "faith" in the public square, and the rampant introduction of relativism and situational ethnics in the marketplace!

It's NO COINCIDENCE that more and more is being exposed in the lives of the "top leaders" (economically, politically and socially), where we see "the appalled reaction and judgment" from the masses, yet WE are funding and supporting the actual production of filth and subterfuge - every time we go to the movies; or watch one of these programs in the very presence of our children, many times. If we were REALLY UPSET, we would allow our voices to be used to speak-up and speak-out, but there's a segment of "the church at large" that believes this "creative freedom" can be used to show the depravity of the human condition - if coupled with biblical principles, like offsetting the darkness with light...And, that's "partially true", but "if that approach actually worked", many more people would be committed and serving The Lord.

The TRUTH is, "men loved the darkness, more than The Light", and solving the problem of the human heart that is fascinated with "soul surfing" - in the sense of the pursuit for "unbridled exploration" and "self discovery", through filthy and fanatical means; is nothing more than "carnal living" - done under the guise of "freedom" for Christians; and, "lawless living" - done under the guise of progressivism for the humanist, satanist and religious fundamentalist, without RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ!

Therefore, the growing issue and prevalent problem with keeping commitments, or just simply "honoring our word", seems like "an impossible feat for those super-humans", except that's NOT the truth - but a LIE that easier to swallow! 

BELIEVERS, as much as UNBELIEVERS, are "biting the dust" in our culture today, but WHY? Do "we" (believers) "share" in the darkness - by following suit, and also find ourselves - living without a "burning passion" for Christ and HIS Kingdom?

The answer is YES, but "THERE IS HOPE!"

What HOPE is actually available for Christ's Church, because the darkness is NOT just going to "go away", right? RIGHT! So, where do we start?

We start with exposing the "me-centered gospel and heretical philosophies" that both falsely and wrongly places emphasis on our "personal happiness - above God's ordained purpose", which may just be crosswise of the "I'm gonna get my blessing, right now" philosophy!

"YOUR BLESSING" is "being Christo-centric", in both your attitude and your pursuits, without allowing "hybrid-seed" to germinate in your heart, which is the corruptible and contaminating influence upon the human spirit that diminishes the importance of allowing "Christ - in us", to be the singular focus in this life!

I am a WITNESS that the "weary-soul syndrome", actually adopts the "to hell with life attitude", and resigns itself "to do whatever you feel", because all the steps taken - to do what is "right" or to truly live for God, seemingly has "brought more pain than purpose", at least from your limited viewpoint - and the enemy is able to lodge a hook deep within the soul, until we either excavate its influence - in Christ's authority, or bow to the weary soul's debilitating influence, once and for all.

Some of you, who take the time to read this blog, are either "in" and "open relationship", or seriously may be considering one...Please, DO NOT, for your OWN GOOD! 

If you KNOW that your partner or mate is IN another relationship, YOU are IN an "open relationship"!

If you EXCUSE your partner or mate's repeated cheating and wandering, YOU are IN an "open relationship", by default!

If you ALLOW your heart to pursue other people outside the covenantal commitment you've made to your mate, YOU are "testing the waters" of an "open relationship", in ignorance - possibly; but its STILL VERY DANGEROUS!

The "bankrupt soul", full of this poison and perverted passions, is destructive to any human being that decides to "test its waters", and it is my hope and prayer that you REJECT THE LIE - while choosing the BEST of all "open relationships", which is one that FULLY COMMITS to intimate relationship with Christ and allows HIM to choose the relationship you share with that "special - someone"; without having to live with the LIE that emptiness or a divided soul must be YOUR FATE! WS-3

Walter L. Smith III, Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
6767 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 8-407
Hollywood, CA 90028
(213)293-6249 - Ministry Office

"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"


{Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc.}



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