"TO EVERYTHING there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven." (Ecclesiastes 3:1 AMP)

When I'm having a "bosky" moment, that means I feel like I'm "covered with the am-bushes of life", in a foggy or unfamiliar place that actually tempts me to change my confession and agree with what I "see", and NOT - what I "know"!

How do I - "KNOW that, I know"?...(Smile)

Well, I ONLY "know, that I KNOW", by being KNOWN - of HIM!

What do you mean?

HE IS the Eternal One, that has "gifted us" with the privilege of "possessing knowledge and understanding" that is beyond our human comprehension or our fragmented perceptions!  But, "the key" is - being willing to follow HIM, when it gets hard and uncomfortable. This attitude of the heart is "the door" into "a world of possibilities" that infuses us with courage to face - WHATEVER MAY COME!

They say, that "ATTITUDE - is everything", and their right, but how do YOU "process things" without "owning them", or "disowning - God's promise" to YOU, when the going gets tough?

Well, they also said, "the tough keep going", and THAT's principally how we "outlast the devil", by allowing "the Greater One" to move in us and through us - so WE "can RULE in the midst of our foes"!

YES, there are times, when "faintly understanding" the purpose for a thing that has entered your life, can almost be paralyzingly difficult and painstakingly crippling - IF, you allow it to be...

BUT, the resolve to "keep-fighting" and to "keep it moving", is MORE than - a notion; it's the harvest of an "unbroken focus" on "THOU, who will keep US in perfect peace"!

"Untold pressure" has surrounded me in season's past, and the dilemma in my mind was always -"What is this pressure about?", since I didn't understand what a threat I really was; by deliberately and intentionally building my "faith muscle" that would make me even more dangerous to demonic prince's, for the real diabolical assignments that have come against my life and ministry...

But, in turn, what began to develop "in me" - as a consequence of this commitment and conviction, was an intentional pursuit for understanding the "purpose for the thing", which was "going through" while staying focused on The Lord; that disallowed me from being distracted by my "normal perception" of personalizing things that were actually more "circumstantial" than "spiritual".

NOW, I KNOW that "divine perspective" is the ONLY WAY to have a "winning attitude", especially during seasons when "new chapters" are in motion; no matter "how" it looks and no matter "how" you may feel!

I believe people who have testimonies of "extraordinary courage" and "uncommon resilience", are in the earth to demonstrate that NOTHING is impossible to them that believe!

So, making excuses, running away from problems, or "not" confronting and overcoming your own brokenness, is really just you prolonging the "cycles of difficulty" that we all must face at one time or another, and the BEST ATTITUDE to adopt during those times, should actually mirror the "more than a conqueror disposition" that marked the life of Christ; who had "no problem" "raising the dead to life", and living out The Father's divine purpose - instead.

Although this is "truly a mystery", it is also "why" the man or woman who "properly exercises self control - over his or her own life and body", is able to "rule a city"; and possesses "the keys" to walking successfully and victoriously over every enemy, by surrendering all of your life-decisions and heart-attitudes - to HIM! 


If you literally look around at the city or town that you live, the desire, pursuit, and fulfillment of HIS Will and purpose, is the greatest battle being waged in the hearts of humanity throughout the land!

But, with "every single person", just choosing or deciding to overcome their struggle, with both the internal and environmental forces in "their world" being overcome; we could all powerfully minimize the contention within our own hearts, and bring HIS power to bare in uncommon and unusual ways.

If we could just be honest with ourselves..."the less-traveled way of humility - in Christ", as we truly walk in the footsteps of our Master and Redeemer, is sadly unpopular and wrongly viewed by many as "super-spiritual"; in a "me-centered generation" that defines "obedience as convenience", and NOT the necessary willingness to obey, no matter what "the cost"!

"The outworking" of HIS Will and purpose that should be seen through our lives, must become activated through supernaturally permeating and saturating "others" - within the cities, towns or areas that we live, if we're truly going to effectively walk with Christ; while resting in the strength of HIS promises and power!

And now, what we generally call REVIVAL, is actually the RENEWAL of a right "heart attitude" towards GOD, that truly realizes and recognizes "who" - HE REALLY IS!

I'm learning that often "my circumstances" may be "someone else's - TEST", and rather than confuse the issue by self-focused pitying and rantings, I've simply begun recognizing that the "perfect world" that we falsely envision for ourselves, is really full of OUR pain, wounded perceptions and indecision; BUT, with the "winning attitude", we will ALL overcome and can choose to begin again! 

If your SEASON has convinced you that - God doesn't care, has left your side, or has better things to do, REPENT ("change" - your MIND, ATTITUDE, and DIRECTION)!

"Perfected Love" cast out ALL FEAR...

GOD is up to something "good", and all that is required of us is - TO BELIEVE!



Walter L. Smith III, Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
6767 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 8-407
Hollywood, CA 90028
(213)293-6249 - Ministry Office

"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"


{Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc.}



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