During the Presidential election cycle in November of 2012, I had an unusual "specific word" that flooded my heart, and because I do NOT buy-in to the contention between "political parties", and I'm also NOT a "bandwagon follower" of ANYONE - no matter what their ethnicity or nationality; my "boldness" to communicate my heart, or what others may see as "prophetic - speculation, at best", I KNOW that what I heard was "from The Lord"...
I DO NOT have an "axe to grind" with the POTUS or FLOTUS, and I'm thankful, that a "positive representation of an African-American family in 'high position' - can be seen by (especially) our struggling "black communities" and youth.
BUT, since 2008, I've had a whirlwind of unusual challenges and uncharacteristic warfare, because "spiritually" - I've postured myself and my family, against what I saw as a MAJOR "spiritual shift in this nation" (AND, I'm NOT calling our POTUS, "the Anti-Christ), and had some pretty interesting exchanges with people that I viewed as "friends" when the POTUS was elected; but NOT fully understanding "why" things seemed so INTENSE. {I.e. - (2) lawsuits, (3) deaths, and extended lay-off period, homeless, and demonically attacked like you wouldn't believe!}
If you would like to hear the "parabolic poem" that has an unusual rhyming format as you read it (which was penned the morning "after" the POTUS was elected), CLICK the link below. Also, I wrote a blog the day prior, which provides the "specific things" that I heard and understood to be "the will of God"; meaning it was "HIS desire", but HE does NOT "force HIS people" to obey. Just study how the Children of Israel "chose King Saul", as an example of how God's Sovereignty is NOT challenged by the indecision or whim's of men.
NOW (whew! - LOL!) the article that I've posted from WND (World Net Daily) provides the whole history behind the POTUS' - "Birther Case" that is currently at the Alabama Supreme Court, and strangely speaks to what I've felt in my own heart - without knowledge, that many of the things you'll discover as you read we're even happening...
"IS THIS", WS-3's (my) "political gossip" or "soap-box issue"? ABSOLUTELY, NOT!
If you KNOW me, and my ministry history and "grace", you understand "why" I have to even deal with or communicate about this subject! It's obviously - UNCOMFORTABLE, and "potentially dangerous", from the standpoint of salvaging relationships, polarizing myself from others that affects my "business pursuits", or being out of the "favor" with the "powers that be"! MOST PEOPLE - "go with the flow", and DARE NOT "challenge the status quo", but I MUST be about The Father's business, NO MATTER WHAT! Because I'm NOT on any recognizable "national platform", my voice would seem to have little or "no influence" about the institutional powers or society-at-large, and at the present moment - that's CORRECT! But, my VOICE, is IN THE EARS OF MEN-RENOWN, and I KNOW THAT, because of the God-given influence The Lord has given to me.
YOU may NOT care about this issue, ONE BIT...And, I understand completely. IF YOU DO, PRAY for this country, its leaders, and concerning "the fallout" that WILL OCCUR IN 2014, and our "strategic intercession" will curb the tide of the devastation and upheaval that's going to impact the entire globe; SO, pray like never before, EVEN IF YOU - DON'T CARE!
AM I IGNORANT of ALL the prejudice, partisanship, and politicking that is transpiring around a "black president"? ABSOLUTELY, NOT!
AM I SO "POLITICALLY-CONSERVATIVE", that I'm creating an "apocolyptic stew" that sounds "deep and spiritual", but has no basis or merit, FOR REAL? ABSOLUTELY, NOT!
I have a BURDEN FROM THE LORD with NO AGENDA, including NO - book to sell, "party" that I support, or "uncle tom syndrome", as my focus!
Walter L. Smith III, Apostolic Founder/Lead Facilitator
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. -
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
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(213)293-6249 - Ministry Office
"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"
"An Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry Bridging Faith & Culture"
{Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc.}
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