As I've been a front-line witness of the troubling state of affairs in segments of CHRIST's Church for over twenty years, so many people seem to be more aroused and stirred by emotional and idealistic fantasies and rhetoric, than the actual truth or current realities screaming to their suppressed "God consciousness" and misinformed perspectives?!?  

What is more troubling, is that I'm seeing a similar delusion, fantasy and romanticization about these corrupt personalities, blaring realities and above-the-law attitudes in the political arena, because people don't seem to care about the TRUTH being revealed in waves, or they don't recognize real HUBRIS in their midst when they encounter it! 

WHERE is the "discerning church" of the end times, anyways? HOW DARE we side with the "cultural arguments" that are a BIG distraction from GOD's PURPOSE!?!  Does "liberation theology" have that strong-of-a-HOLD" amongst people of color that we BLINDLY keep following THE BLIND?  

Possibly, but more importantly do we understand what it means for JESUS to tell us "HE is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, and THE LIFE"?

As Dr. Jim Denisom recently stated:  "For generations, Americans have been taught that "truth" is how our minds interpret our sensory experiences. As a result, all truth claims are subjective and personal. It's not that seeing is believing—rather, believing is seeing. We interpret the world through the prism of our presuppositions." 

And, the real issue is (for Bible-Believing Christians)...Where is "HIS leadership" in "your followership"?  Is "your personal opinion" and those warm fuzzies that you feel, the focus of your loyalty and support, and - if so, what is the metric you're using to determine your favorite politician's "performance effectiveness"; in light of what GOD commands, which should be more about HIM than YOU? 

"NO!" (to answer someone's retort to my statement above..) "HE doesn't want ROBOTS, but HE expects TOTAL ALLEGIANCE to HIS Cause and HIS Community, no matter who your favorite celebrity, politician or preacher!"

"Well, Pastor Walter: That's quite judgmental, and what makes you think YOUR PERSPECTIVE is right and everyone else's is wrong anyways?

First of all, MY PERSPECTIVE is NOT the issue..GOD's "is", but how do you know if you actually have HIS Mind on the matter or not? 

You KNOW you have GOD's PERSPECTIVE by:
  1. The diligence of YOUR RELIANCE upon GOD's WORD ALONE..
  1. The degree of YOUR REALIGNING to GOD's WILL in every choice and season of your life
  1. The distance of YOUR RELATIONSHIP to GOD'S people and to the Kingdom of GOD..

When you choose to believe RHETORIC and choose to ignore REALITY, your very soul becomes "lean" or corrupted by the corruptible influences you entertain at the behest of them: "having swag", "being popular", or "representing culture", without any real substance around the worldview and the ONLY TRUTH that can make us FREE!

  • "Vicarious affection" vs "genuine conviction" = "vicarious affections" represents emotionally and psychologically soaking up a secondhand "feel good" or idealistic moment through a person, place or thing, from an imagined experience and perception, without actually ever experiencing it for themselves. When we have a "general feeling" (perception) based upon a "virtual" encounter, we're "best-guessing", if, when or until we actually attempt to make "that" our spiritual conviction"; which is definitely NOT the same thing! A "genuine conviction" comes from a principle-based foundation that doesn't ignore reality or soak-up rhetoric, but decides the best course by first heeding their "righteous conscience" and then taking "GOD's side" no matter how unpopular it may be.
  • "blind allegiance" vs "impartial support"= "blind allegiance" serves the cause, buys the t-shirt, and argues their point of view "aggressively" -- whether it's right, true or corrupt. As an "impartial supporter", we communicate our general likes and dislikes, but "side" based upon best judgment at the time, all with a careful, prayerful, and watchful heart the entire time.
  • "Grasshopper mindsets" vs "giant enthusiasts" = "grasshopper mindsets" rely more upon the rhetoric of positional leaders with "messiah complexes", who possess no real leadership, direction or vision for the future, BUT "at least their doing something".  When "giant enthusiasts" take every opportunity granted to hear GOD's heart first (HIS instructions), and allow HIM to maneuver, manipulate and manufacture every "thing" that HE has in mind concerning them, they don't cave in to the pressure to avoid confrontation, rehearse misinformation, or mischaracterize someone's reputation; because their not afraid to stand for truth.
  • "Liberal logic" vs "conservative thinking" = "liberal logic" feeds on the principles of freedom, inclusion and progressiveness, without a morally solid or principled foundation from which to operate; because of the vacillating dependence upon humanly devised "justice", without a shred of biblical understanding or application. "conservative thinking" is a philosophically modest way of thinking that seeks to strike a balance between excess and extremes, by intentionally seeking to find the balance for shared progress, instead of forcing their ideas upon others with selfish intent by muscling consent as the underlying focus.
  • "partisan pedantic's" vs "issue-centric investigation" = Is the question of whether there is EVER a time that war, guns, and police have as much importance or value to BOTH PARTIES -- and cannot be used as a vice that causes division or strife between them, for political purposes or partisan gains? Of course there is, and, to say anything contrary is to be deceived, deluded or disconnected from the REALITY that those who DEMONIZE EVERYTHING aren't really "about anything", because ALL the issues are important, so we just have to prioritize and prepare the best approach to resolving them as a community; who are ALL in the same boat anyways.
  • "propaganda parading" vs "investigative perusing" = using anyone's disadvantage or injustice to garner an audience or to seek credibility, without a real or genuine burden of caring or concern about the issue at hand. Stirring up controversy, playing the devil's advocate, confusing the issue, or demonizing what's different, is the pedantic approach to progress and deflecting from the real issue, and then becoming a distraction from the sincere investigation of an issue that will bring clarity; if the pursuit for the truth is genuine. "Investigative perusing" is the ONLY WAY to truly know history from an unbiased perspective, if a proper interpretation and balance is used in both analyzing and disseminating the information.
YOU KNOW you are DECEIVED when:
  • You passively follow or idly align to your "favorite personality" in the unprincipled areas or in the corrupt places of their hearts, without questioning and reevaluating your allegiance to them or their worldview, by thoughtfully choosing a different course from the position of the "diehard fan", to the "concerned advocate" that honestly appreciates, without ignorantly applauding or following.
  • You give in to FEAR! FEAR being the foundation of so much of today's LIBERAL LOGIC, ALWAYS presupposes the worst, but IGNORES the REALITIES..spinning, duplicity, politicizing, lying, cheating, stealing, misrepresenting, mischaracterizing, misquoting, political correctness, and pedantic arguments!  You don't need to FEAR what a person says "in the moment" unless their HISTORY holds them to guilt. Stupidity is assuming the worst because of words only, and NOT acknowledging their history first!
  • You swallow misinformation without testing it from an unbiased source; and then jeopardize relationships to champion a cause that will prove to be wrong, but "being right" is more important to you!

LISTEN, FAMILY: I have no axe-to-grind; I have no political-party-to-support; and I have no reputation to uphold about being "the FIRST or the ONLY ONE to say something" that helps people during this most important season for the Body of Christ..ALL OF THAT is a part of the egocentric and narcissistic generation that we're a part of, which ignorantly dismisses the vital importance of the political arena and the personalities we support with our votes and cheers!  

My GENUINE CONCERN is for GOD's people -- who are crying out for change, increase and revival, but are unwisely agreeing and siding with darkness, through their ASSOCIATION, SILENCE and SUBTERFUGE!

I KNOW "President Obama's swag", "color", "eloquence", and "intelligence" is ENOUGH for some people, BUT if you put GOD's WORD beside or alongside the list of his "said" accomplishments and his rhetoric about them, YOU CANNOT celebrate much, without getting on your face and seeking GOD about "why you REALLY supported him", FOR REAL!

What is "appearance" without "substance", or "popularity" without "principle"?


"If MY PEOPLE who are called by MY NAME will HUMBLE themselves and PRAY, SEEK MY FACE and turn from THEIR wicked ways, THEN will I hear from heaven, I WILL forgive their sins and I will HEAL THEIR LAND".. (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Walter L Smith III (WS-3)
Founder, Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc.
*Member - Rochester Chamber of Commerce


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