The ABOVE-THE-LAW ATTITUDE of ARROGANCE, DUPLICITY, INDIFFERENCE, MOCKING and PRIDE that's been so glaringly obvious in the "spiritual dimension" -- for nearly a DECADE, is being exposed, evicted and eviscerated, because of the prevailing prayers and fasting of CHRIST's Remnant that has acknowledged and repented of our complacency, compromise and callousness!

GOD's PEOPLE are finally awakening from the fog and the slumber "in us" that has fueled an apathetic response to the invading darkness in our culture, and the desperate need for our representative voices and presence EVERYWHERE in the public square!

NO MORE RETREATING and COWERING to demonic powers that have violated and assaulted the "true remnant" in Christ's Army, from boldly speaking out, actively voting, and sharing their faith consistently; because of the pervasive darkness given place the moment that this country was given over, through "false hope and deception", erroneous prophecies, and the pedantic prognostications of mixed-up "spiritual" leaders; who've consistently entertained the diabolical lies of the enemy!

THIS SAME GROUP ("spiritually complacent" Christians) have digressed into a degree of "leanness of soul" that aligns them with the "religious spirit" of our time, which without "ready repentance" will quickly turn into stronger anti-Christ philosophies and even darker compromise!

The SPIRIT OF GOD is saying: These are the ones who've ignored and given a cold-shoulder to the refining correction of the Holy Spirit -- completely ignoring what the fiery trials, poignant dealings, and unusual transitions and change that has occurred during the past eight years!

The "hot" are indeed getting "hotter", and the "cold" are indeed getting "colder", but it's the LUKEWARM that are being exposing for their "true colors", through an unhealthy familiarity and affinity towards DARKNESS in the form of "illicit relationships", "ill-advised or questionable pursuits", and "ungodly alignments and associations"..ALL in the name of coexistence and acculturation.

IF you've swallowed the pill of indifference to the URGENCY for INTIMACY, MATURITY and UNITY in Christ's Church..REPENT, and "run into HIS Arms as fast as YOU can!"

THIS ELECTION CYCLE not only marks the introduction of a dramatic change and revolutionary transformation in this country, but a renewed REVERENTIAL FEAR towards Almighty God for the satanically influenced voices that were permitted to move forcefully for a season, but will NOW be POWERFULLY EVICTED, as greater advancement ensues, and as the toxicity and the pollution in our land gets purged now as the Spirit of God moves supernaturally in response to HIS FRIENDS!

Intercessors, Prophets, Watchman and Seers: FULL SPEED AHEAD!!

Prophesy..Prophesy..Prophesy!!!  WS-3


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