You do NOT "abdicate authority" (divorce yourself from wisely influencing in HIS Name) as a "Christian" in any arena (like in entertainment or in politics) because of the potential of COMPROMISE or CONFLICT in having to deal with others -- or in navigating the landscape itself! 

BUT, we'd better be "called", if we're going to properly engage, because each field or mountain has its own strongmen; and we must be prepared for battle, based upon our potential spiritual impact in the area for HIM!

As a Christian, we MUST be fortified and rooted in our walk with The Lord, and do our level best to reflect and represent HIS heart through sharing HIS compassion, grace and love!

BUT, we should EXPECT our representation and our voice "to rile up the devil"; and to produce OPPOSITION; if we effectively testify and witness for The Lord!

"Light exposes darkness", and as we SHARE THE GOSPEL and POINT OUT incongruences between the ways of the world and the way of our Lord -- without demonizing or degrading others, our stance and convictions will create conversations and opposition!  And, more often than NOT, we will "challenge" someone else's beliefs, which may cause an "offense".  But, that's exactly what the Bible says should be expected, will become more prevalent as we do marketplace ministry in the end times.

"Getting along to go along" or "silencing your voice" -- because the world is HOSTILE towards the things of God, is NOT our calling; and neither is arguing or cussing over ISSUES or PEOPLE that we faintly "know" or can truly defend!

And, based upon our "limited experience" with the matters at hand -- in actually having to address the forces at work behind the scenes, we should communicate with "humility" and "deal with people" by the Spirit -- in the love of God; without being controlled by fear, and without giving place to the devil!

The "standard" or expectation of what our Christian conduct should look like, can clearly be known by the looking at the ministry of Jesus -- or by simply studying the ministry of Paul. In both of these examples, we can see the love of God, and we can see the boldness that forbade either of them in retreating from confrontation; while choosing to love people no matter how the opposition challenged them in their ministry callings!

It's SO MUCH EASIER to refuse to fight on the frontlines of the culture war, but that's "clearly" NOT HIS will or HIS heart! 

We MUST "occupy till HE comes", and refuse to take offense or be baited by Satan, or put the focus on any issue or any person; before we proclaim and represent The Most High God in our world!

Do NOT "be" an "uncertain sound" in our world!  #1Corinthians13  #WS-3

Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement 
1-800-973-8533, Ext. 700 and 701


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