Religion and Politics Don’t Mix?
Q. "Walter: Why did you decide to run for a political office as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and what do you think you can accomplish by winning District 25B in the Minnesota Legislature?
A. My goal in running for political office through "civil service" as a Christian, is to strategically build bridges from the Kingdom of God into the political arena, as well as through my civic activities and involvement in social causes. First, we ought to express our political beliefs in the voting booth! Secondly, it is also appropriate to support legitimate measures designed to correct a glaring social or political wrong.
Complete noninvolvement in politics as a Christian would be contrary to what God's Word says about doing good in society: "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith" (Gal. 6:10; cf. Titus 3:1-2). It would also display a lack of gratitude for whatever amount of religious freedom the government allows us to enjoy. Furthermore, such pious apathy toward government and politics would reveal a lack of appreciation for the many appropriate legal remedies believers in democracies have for maintaining or improving the civil order.
A certain amount of healthy and balanced concern with current trends in government and the community is acceptable, as long as we realize that that interest is not vital to our spiritual growth, our righteous testimony, or the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ. Above all, the believer's political involvement should never displace the priority of preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
We can't protect or expand the cause of Christ by human political and social activism; no matter how great or sincere the efforts. Ours is a spiritual battle waged against worldly ideologies and dogmas arrayed against God, and we achieve victory over them only with the weapon of Scripture. The apostle Paul writes: "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
We must reject all that is ungodly and false and never compromise God's standards of righteousness. We can do that in part by desiring the improvement of society's moral standards, and by approving of measures that would conform government more toward righteousness. We do grieve over the rampant indecency, vulgarity, lack of courtesy and respect for others, deceitfulness, self- indulgent materialism, and violence that is corroding society. But in our efforts to support what is good and wholesome and reject what is evil and corrupt by making a profoundly positive impact on our culture — we must use God's methods and maintain scriptural priorities as our focus!
God is not calling us to wage a "culture war" that would seek to transform our countries into "Christian nations." To devote all, or even most, of our time, energy, money, and strategy to putting a facade of morality on the world or over our governmental and political institutions, is to badly misunderstand our roles as Christians in a "spiritually lost world".
God has above all else called the church to bring sinful people to salvation through Jesus Christ. Even as the apostle Paul described his mission to unbelievers, so it is the primary task of all Christians to reach out to the lost "to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me [Christ]" (Acts 26:18; cf. Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:5, 9).
If we do not evangelize the lost and make disciples of new converts, nothing else we do for people—no matter how beneficial it seems—is of any eternal consequence. Whether a person is an atheist or a theist, a criminal or a model citizen, sexually promiscuous and perverse or strictly moral and virtuous, a greedy materialist or a gracious philanthropist — if he does not have a saving relationship to Christ, he or she is going to hell.
It makes no difference if an "unsaved person" is for or against abortion, a political liberal or a conservative, a prostitute or a police officer — he or she will spend eternity apart from God, unless they repent and believe the gospel! WS-3
Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
1-800-973-8533, Ext. 700 and 701
**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!
**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator
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