Seasons of Difficulty..

If you share any commonality with my personal testimony or life experience, then you know what is it to “suffer long”, and actually “wait upon the Lord” to defend, to help or to restore to you “according to HIS Will” — But, even if you don’t have a familiar story like mine, “seasons of difficulty” don’t serve much of a purpose in our own hearts and minds, until GOD “shows us” the importance of the various crucibles and crosses we must weather; to truly represent HIS Heart and HIS Name in and throughout every aspect of our lives..
And, you can’t even “say that” and “mean it”, without truly being HIS Child, by FIRST having committed “you and your house” to follow HIM all of the days of your lives, while also consistently dedicating yourself to HIS Cause and HIS Kingdom — during the various seasons of life that challenges your faith and your trust in the Living God!
After all, you “know” what it is to “hear the voice of the accuse” louder than (or as loud) as “the voice of your Savior”, right?
Well, if you do..The primary entrance for “the battlefield of the mind”, whether subtle (quiet, but targeted enemy arrows) or overt (intentional, and loud opposition, persecution and enemy accusations against your character), is “the thoughts and intents of the heart”, which either exacerbates or settles the issues surrounding our belief systems and values.
When we “suffer”, our hearts are laid bare in every way.  Although we’re all aware that vulnerabilities and depression may come as a result of fighting to keep our heads above water in the midst of the fight.  We’re also conscious that we possess or dispossess every enemy of the cross of Christ from having an opportunity “to make us suffer worse”, by the attitude and disposition of our own hearts “when we suffer”..
LISTEN: One of the BIG REASONS I “know” that GOD is about to do amazing things in the ministry, is because HE’s done extraordinary things “in us” — WHILE WE’VE SUFFERED!
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