"Unfolding Majesty" & "Supernatural Identity" are represented by knowing that...
2019 Themes:
- detachment from "old" images, '"abnormal" identities and "perverse" imaginations
- supernatural orientations will revolutionize unfruitful reservations and unproductive determinations..
- "recognition" will accelerate needed transitions from—to, and timely dispositions will converge around divine priorities and heaven's scheduled manifestations and transfers of wealth..
- "treasure hunting" (child-like imaginings) and intimate devotion (intentional exploration) will progressively unfold into "clarity of vision" and "deepening preparations of the heart" for alignment with His Heart..
"It's time"! This is a season of suddenlies, divine turnarounds, rapid repositioning, accelerated answers, new roads, new rivers, new income streams!
As God's children, meet Him at His throne, also known as the Mercy Seat, earth and heaven will meet, the natural and super natural will collide, and in His presence He is calling us to pray, work, love, live, move, minister, and continually abide! We have an appointment with God, in Hebrew year 5779, New Year 2019 – signs and wonders, miracles and victories will resound!
For God's appointment, the enemy would bring disappointment; for God's right place for your life, the enemy would seek to displace; for God's call to obey every step of the way, the enemy 'disses' obedience — only obey anyway, for unity that brings blessings in marriages, homes, families, relationships, churches and businesses, the enemy would sow disunity; so don't let him.
Be aware but don't despair, victory is here. Victory has a name, His name is JESUS! 'Dis' is a person. 'Dis' is the one who sows discord. 'Dis' is the enemy of our souls and I declare by the word of the Lord, we will be wise in this time and rise, seeing through God's eyes, so that the dirty devil will no longer 'dis' the children of God; for instead of displacement, divine replacement, reappointment, and restoration has come to those who receive, believe and achieve through total dependency upon the Holy Spirit.
"These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation (trouble); but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33(NKJV)
As we burst into this new Jewish year '5779 and 2019', it is time to rise and shine! It is divine reversal and divine restoration time!
**As mature children of God we will live from above and not beneath. I heard the Holy Spirit say "Awaken the morning with your prayers and praise, do not passively wait for the morning to awaken you! Break through the night and awaken the dawn. Dictate to environments and circumstances, do not wait for environments and circumstances to dictate to you! Change, divine change and rearrangement is here this year. Arise and shine your light is come"!
**God wants you to know with assurance that heaven's solution is always bigger than hells problem. Look beyond the problems and chaos you see in your life and on the earth and as you see by faith, receive the solution that is yours to take, on your behalf and on behalf of others in the secret place of prayer! The Hebrew word for intercession means to "get in the way of" – that's what we are called to do, get in the way of evil and replace with good!
Hebrew Year 5779:
From the richness of the Hebrew language and numerics, Nine in Hebrew is Teshah (f) Teshah (m). "Tet" is the ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet and numerically equals 9. Pictorially it is illustrated and known in it's ancient form to resemble a basket, womb, and even a coiled snake; – representing fulfillment, concealment, fruitfulness and multiplication. The devil (that snake) may throw his worst, try to squeeze the life out of the children of God, but we will see clearly, overcome, flourish, prevail and power through with the Word of the Lord, prayer and praise anyway.
What can we take from this prophetically — and how can we apply these hidden truths and secrets rich in the Hebrew language and years to our lives, helping us discern times and seasons. I believe what the Lord would say in year 5779 (2019) is significant and exciting. Five means grace and what an era of favor, grace and goodness we are in. Seven means God's completion and perfection. Double seven means double portion blessing, and as for nine(9), well here goes…
In Hebrew the number 9 has an element of paradox to it, double meaning…. so much goodness, multiplication, increase and blessing indicated by the basket but yet the snake coiled is right there longing to thwart God's plans, to have it's wicked way, to steal, kill and destroy! The call is going out to yield to the Holy Spirit, surrender your ways to walk in the spirit and His ways, then as the old chorus says "though the giants may be there our way to hinder, God will surely give us victory". In this Hebrew year 5779 God is saying prophetically in the midst of evil we will know only goodness, blessing, miraculous increase and victory!
The Lord has made this verse my living reality, may it become yours too. I believe the invitation is going out to Israel and the Church today – may we meet this divine appointment and not tragically turn away!
"For thus saith the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: "In returning and rest you shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be your strength, but you would not."
Isaiah 30:15 (NKJV)
God is calling his children higher and deeper – Holy Spirit led Kingdom living on earth! There is so much more than experiencing God's presence annually at a camp or conference, even weekly at Church, or daily in your routine Bible reading and prayer time as great as all that is… To survive and thrive we must return and rest continually.
God is calling afresh His children in this hour of His power to returning and resting in Him, in the Holy One who dwells within our spirit; depending, consulting, and leaning our entire lives, personalities and abilities on him. This is the place of power packed living and not inactivity but Holy Spirit led activity! Some tried to tell me this life was impossible, they said "you can't live in God's presence continually", well, I just happened to be desperate enough to cry out to God "it's the only life worth living – Jesus I'm hungry for all of you, I'm thirsty for more, it's the only life for me, whatever it takes, by your Holy Spirit make it my reality"! God promises that in "returning and rest you will be saved." This word 'saved' is the Hebrew word 'Yasha' and as well as meaning defended, delivered, helped and to get victory in every situation you face it means 'open, wide, and free'! Only in dying to ourselves are we fully alive to God – 'open, wide, and free' in spirit, soul and body to be all He has called us to be! Then others will truly see Jesus and experience God's unexplainable, undefinable and undeniable glory!
God will bring to birth dreams and visions in your life that have laid dormant for years…. now mature and ready they will come forth. This is a season of new beginnings, stepping out by faith into the glorious unknown. "They that know their God shall be strong and do great things." It is time for the above and beyond to come forth as the great, miraculous works of God are birthed through your life.
It takes nine months for a baby to be birthed and a woman's 'due time' to come round. Many have been through the discomfort and pain of waiting, your confinement is over, your concealment was necessary to mature all God will bring forth through you, prepared in humility this is your time to rise and shine in all God has called you to, appointed you for and anointed you to accomplish. To know Him, to show Him & His power is your only purpose on the earth! I see great, miraculous works being birthed on the earth in this hour of God's power. The manifest glory of God will be unexplainable, undefinable and yet undeniable in and through lives set apart for Him!
Due time is here, Hebrew year 5779 / 2019!
Your basket will be full and heavenly supply will never run dry. You will always have more than enough.
As for the snake, be aware, but don't despair. He may rage, his anger roar, but he is a defeated foe. We will overcome Him with the blood of the lamb (the enforcement of Jesus finished work and victory), the word of our testimony (for every mess that dirty devil tries to make we will declare the message of miracles and God's grace, get ready to tell story after story for God's glory), and we will love not our lives unto death (simply meaning we will die daily to our own mind, wills, emotions and fleshly ways; to rise, live and walk in the spirit – what a glorious life of victory and praise awaits as we step through the gates of praise into year 5779, and 2019.
Another powerful prophetic visual of this can be seen below of the Hebrew number 9 (Tet), representing man, either bowed to King Jesus and surrendered to the spirit or the evil influence depicted by the snake.

In the Hebrew number 9 depicts duplicity, and prophetically for year 5779 and 2019, a choice is clearly evident. To bow to God and rise in the power of the spirit or passively follow the dictates of the snake, by yielding to and not dying to the demands of our fleshly desires and soulish ways. There isn't a politer way of putting it, I tried, and realised I only compromised the warning and reality. I have heard the voice of the Lord and followed His lead as He simply said "Come up higher. Come away with me. It is time to go back in humility to go forward, you must go back to accelerate in me, you must return to living, resting and depending on my Holy Spirit and walking only in the spirit. All across the earth and in my glorious Church there is a repositioning and returning to me". The number 9 is known to be the expression of the power of the Holy Spirit….. Wow!
There are nine fruits of the Holy Spirit, nine gifts of the Holy Spirit, the calling to prayer was at the ninth hour – as children of God we are full and filled with all we need to succeed. Our prayers will bring change, and rearrange the enemies plans.
The number 9 is used to define the perfect move of God, this will be a pure, unadulterated move of the Spirit of God in and through our lives, for those who will surrender at His throne.
"Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour." Acts 3:1
We will discern the voice and leading of the Living God by the power of His Holy Spirit over and above the dead voices that try to drown Him out. It matters what voice you give attention and power to. God's still small voice will bring love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, as promised in Galatians 5:22. May we never underestimate the power in His voice. How sweet is the fruit His voice and His Holy Spirit produces in our lives, opposed to the dead internal voices of our emotions, intellect, will & then there are the external voices… The texts, emails, social media and demands bombarding from every direction; screaming for our distraction and attention. Their fruit is comparison, competition, conflict, confusion, inadequacy, jealousy, anxiety, stress and strife!
"And God confirmed the message by giving signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit whenever he chose." Hebrews 2:4
There are nine gifts of the Holy Spirit depicted in 2 Corinthians 12:8-10: wisdom, knowledge, miracles, healing, faith, prophesy, distinguishing of spirits, speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues. There are gifts within you that God is about to release through you in this hour that have been dormant, and in some cases, you had no idea were there. Receive them, step out in faith and use them, they are God's heavenly gift to you and His mandate over your life.
Within your spirit God in His fullness abides; may that awesome truth be your greatest reality and dispel every lie. You are enabled, empowered, enlarged and deeply loved. You are gifted, highly favoured, a force to be reckoned with on the earth as a victorious, overcoming child of God!
"For as many as are led by the spirit of God they are the children of God." Romans 8:14
Walk on, walk strong, the days may get darker but everywhere we walk as children of God, His life in us will awaken the dawn, light will burst through darkness and we will overcome!
"And God confirmed the message by giving signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit whenever he chose." Hebrews 2:4
Shanah Tovah U'metukah (Happy, Good & Sweet New Year) Israel and all who have ears to hear…!
Praying a Happy, blessed and the best New Year, 2019! According to God's Word; SO BE IT!
Walter L. Smith III
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./
The Center For Kingdom Advancement
1-800-973-8533, Ext. 700 and 701
**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!
**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator
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