Disclaimer:  For everyone that reads this blog..I am in a refining season with God that is blowing my imagination.  The Lord is preparing me for another dimension of ministry, after many years of being bi-vocational, with the real underlying purpose and promises in my heart, seemingly still in the distance.  THIS WORD is so very profound that I have to share it — with the hopes that others will allow the Spirit to take them into the "deep things" of their hearts, to reposition us all for the greatest measure of fruitfulness for His Kingdom in these Last Days..


Proverbs 3:3-4, "Let mercy (love) and truth (faithfulness) never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. "

Romans 13:12, "Night's darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawns. So we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes. And, once and for all we another ourselves with the radiance (armor) of light as our weapon."


The GUARANTEE of me remaining ANOINTED, APPROVED, and PROTECTED, is my level or degree of HUMILITY, COMPASSION, and LOVE that I show to my wife and family..

I need to confess four things to you all:
  1. God said, "Yesterday your words to Mama were correct, but your expression was all wrong — because the "anger" associated with your communication was intermixed in a way that berates, scolds, and represents indignation that is "real; but never towards MY PEOPLE; always towards THE DEVIL.
  2. On the day after we discussed my food portions, Mama had just cooked the pulled pork. I was adamant about NOT eating two sandwiches, but did the next day because I thought the hamburger buns were small..For the last two days, me casually dishonoring my words and agreement has "costs me" (throat closed and mess on myself) AND it was nothing but the pork meat..WOW!!
  3. The False Apostolic Order is quite prevalent with persons with similar personalities (OCD, Pride and Ego) and gift-mixes (Prophecy, Government, Administration, and Intercession, and Leadership); and that's why I've prepared you so meticulously, cause you could easily "steward this move similarly as your spiritual predecessors, who arrogantly parade their teachings as if they've 'arrived'; which is NOT the case.  **
  4. As God is cleansing my soul and purging my body, "the literal mess" that I've had to clean up repeatedly in the bathroom represents the poor stewardship, pride, and fleshly indulgence of the last generation of leaders that have done more harm than good; most often "hidden" to the people who loyally follow.

The "True Armor of Light" reflects the very mantle of Jesus' walk of honor, obedience and supernatural consistency before The Father. He distinguished Himself from every other religious or theological figure, because of His Sinless Approach to fulfill the mission and mandate connected to His Assignment as both The Son of God and the Son of Man.

As we're aware, the Whole Armor of God is abundantly protective to every believer, when we consciously cloth ourselves to ensure that we maintain a clear witness for Christ.

As a Five-Fold Ministry Gift under the Inexhaustible Headship of Jesus Christ, the trio of HUMILITY, COMPASSION and LOVE (True Armor of Light) is Almighty's God entrusting those acting as "Extensions of Christ's Ministry in the Earth", which guarantees our grounding in His Perfect Government; so that what we do for Him, NEVER EVER becomes about us!


# l - Honor your words like they are mine.

# 2 - "Be slow to speak, quick to listen, and slow to anger.

# 3 - Resist the temptation to make "your correction about ANYONE ELSE; especially YOUR WIFE. When you don't feel supported, covered or backed, the tendency is to wield undue power and prerogative "since you're God's Man and all"!

# 4 - HUMBLE with how you handle PEOPLE and GOD's WORD.

# 5 - COMPASSIONATE in "how" you interpret "sin" without EVER putting yourself in an esteemed or exalted place; "above sin".

# 6 - NEVER cut people off because it appears that they're winking or taking lightly your words, convictions or urgency. The way I give it to you, has NOTHING to do with what may appear as a blank stare, form of resistance, or disrespect of "your gift"..

# 7 - GOD's LOVE is the only virtue in the Kingdom of God that can transform the darkest heart and the most resistant person. Self-righteous rants or haughty thoughts become more frequent the more adrift God's Servant's attempt to take the glory that is due to Him upon themselves.


The enemy uses the stubborn resistance of people to "challenge your call", during times where the attacks on your very purpose and promise are the most intense!

The reason I've given you the book on homosexuality (as an example) is this community is buried beneath accusations, lies and fear. If they don't witness the Pure, Unadulterated and Unrelenting Love from My Heart, the enemy would have destroyed a generation that I died to save from their sin..

For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made." ROMANS 1:20
  • REVIVAL introduces everyone to REPENTANCE (JESUS is "Savior")
  • REFORMATION introduces everyone to GOVERNMENT (JESUS is "Lord")

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