SEEING and WITNESSING the Outworking of the True and the False Apostolic…
SEEING and WITNESSING the Outworking of the True and the False Apostolic Order: SYSTEMS OF THOUGHT..
- Refer to the True and False Apostolic Order on
Pastor Walter L Smith III and Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM
TRUE APOSTOLIC ORDER — total and radical dependence upon The Inexhaustible Headship of Jesus Christ
FALSE APOSTOLIC ORDER — leveraging and wielding the influence, reputation and power of MEN apart from and WITHOUT a singular devotion, commitment or dependence upon God.
SYSTEMS OF THOUGHT exists within CULTURAL CONTEXT, and "it" is "how" the CULTURAL MAGICIANS within each industry "keep people pursuing", although their more than likely RESELLING, RETELLING, or REPRODUCING a dependency on themselves "in you", so that you remain LOYAL and FAVORABLE to support their cause even when you don't really benefit — you're stuck in a cycle of co-dependency; and the ONLY WAY to get free is "to let go and LET GOD" to recover from the CULTURAL BANDWAGONS that you've been riding on for years without REAL CHANGE..
The Cultural Dimension The general landscape of society where both dominant-culture and sub-cultures form throughout every dispensation of human history, including the renaissance period, during world wars, or in times of societal upheaval or uncertainty. Culture consists of art, beliefs, customs, institutions, language, literature (endless bodies of knowledge), music, and science, which influences every person on earth, no matter what kindred, tribe or tongue they belong too. As the enemy uses the "fallen" world system's attitudes, appetites appearances, and adherences towards conformity and peer pressure to keep the "hook in the jaw" for continuing to seduce every confused, religious or searching person – God's redemptive plan for One New Man in Christ is being established throughout the earth, through every available, dependent, and surrendered vessels that will undergo development through discipleship and suffering for righteousness sake.
Satan's Scheme: To distract humanity from assuming the position in life that would rightfully align their lives with God, and impact the most people for eternity.
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