PIHIM's — The Cultural Dimension
The general landscape of society where both dominant-culture and sub-cultures form throughout every dispensation of human history, including the renaissance period, during world wars, or in times of societal upheaval or uncertainty. Culture consists of art, beliefs, customs, institutions, language, literature (endless bodies of knowledge), music, and science, which influences every person on earth, no matter what kindred, tribe or tongue they belong too. As the enemy uses the "fallen" world system's attitudes, appetites, appearances, and adherences towards conformity and peer pressure to keep the law like a "hook in the jaw" for continuing to seduce every confused, religious or searching person – God's redemptive plan for One New Man in Christ is being established throughout the earth, through every available, dependent, and surrendered vessels that will undergo development through discipleship and suffering for righteousness sake.
Satan's Scheme: To distract humanity from assuming the position in life that would
rightfully align their lives with God, and impact the most people for eternity.
How does GOD get "a bad wrap" from HIS Children?
- HE doesn't force us to TRUST PEOPLE, as if THEY were god..
- HE doesn't force our hands to do HIS Will, even though HE longs for us to prosper and be in health as our soul prospers..
- HE doesn't give us our heart desires even when/if we throw a tantrum to satisfy us; HE WAITS TOO BE GRACIOUS!
The prophetic glimpse that JESUS gave to HIS Disciples before HIS departure, were critically important to them understanding HIS Plan and HIS Purpose in the emerging of the End Times, and we're better off resting in HIM..
For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these events are the beginning of labor pains. Matthew 24:7-8 CSB
SYSTEMS OF THOUGHT exists within CULTURAL CONTEXT, and "it" is "how" the CULTURAL MAGICIANS within each industry "keep people pursuing", although their more than likely RESELLING, RETELLING, or REPRODUCING a dependency on themselves "in you", so that you remain LOYAL and FAVORABLE to support their cause even when you don't really benefit — you're stuck in a cycle of co-dependency; and the ONLY WAY to get free is "to let go and LET GOD" to recover from the CULTURAL BANDWAGONS that you've been riding on for years without REAL CHANGE
Cultural Appropriation — the unacknowledged or inappropriate adoption of the customs, practices, ideas, etc. of one people or society by members of another and typically more dominant people or society.
Cultural Wars — A culture war is a cultural conflict between social groups and the struggle for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices
Cultural Dictates — the belief that the culture in which we are raised
determines who we are at emotional and behavioral levels (cultural determinism)
Cancel Culture — publicly alienating, boycotting, and withdrawing support to cut off, shut down or ambush progress
Cultural Seduction — as long as you perceive it that way, you'll receive it that way..SEDUCTION won't let you be dissatisfied, so it leads you along on EMPTY PROMISES and never lets you SOBERLY INVESTIGATE why things aren't working, to provoke necessary change as needed!
Cultural Conformity — buying in, because your desire to fit in is stronger than your desire to please HIM
Cultural/Ethnic Pride — There is a "pride" that represents a feeling of self-respect or self-worth, but the pride I'm speaking of - is unreasonable and inordinate self-esteem (personified as one of the deadly sins). We all know it's almost impossible to strike perfect balance, so we "human beings" tend to go to one extreme or the other.
The Cultural Dimension represents the general landscape of society, where both dominant-culture and sub-cultures have formed throughout every age and dispensation of human history; including the renaissance period, during world wars, or in times of societal upheaval or uncertainty. "Ancient evils", "family traditions", and "religious dogmas" are born out of these long-standing periods - where the formation of predominant cycles, systems and strongholds take root.
Culture consists of art, beliefs, customs, institutions, language, literature (endless bodies of knowledge), music, and science, which influences every person on earth, no matter what kindred, tribe or tongue they belong too.
As the enemy uses the "fallen" world system's against human beings -- attitudes, appetites, appearances, and adherences towards conformity and peer pressure in the world, to keep the "hook in the jaw" for continuing to seduce every confused, religious or searching person; God's redemptive plan for One New Man in Christ, is being established throughout the earth; through every available, dependent, and surrendered vessel(s) that will undergo development through discipleship and suffering for righteousness sake.
Sent from my iPad
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