"And in the days of these [final ten] kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty be left to another people; but it shall break and crush and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever." [Dan. 7:14-17; Luke 1:31-33; Rev. 11:15.] (Daniel 2:44 AMP)
As I'm preparing for my day, The Lord is permitting me too SEE - "the rapid expansion of the Kingdom of God in the earth"! WOW!
As HIS people are activated to both conceive and receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, to leverage the creative genius and co-creating power of believers worldwide , to both realize the impossible and walk in the supernatural, a sea of "sanctified" dreamers and visionaries are prophetically maneuvering into every field of society; and their culture shifting ideas and the transformational mechanisms assigned to the authentic message of the Kingdom of God and their unique purpose - is becoming more prevalent in the hearts and minds of HIS Body...Hallelujah!
No longer will Christ's Church reduce our greatest influence to "Christian TV appearances"!
The "rule of tradition" that has "made the commandments of men of no effect", has finally been uprooted, and "the signs in the earth to follow" will be pronounced and conspicuous!
The outdated and unspiritual rantings of backslidden and complacent people will now appear to "be" what it's always been....DEAD RELIGION!
The "vacating company of believers" out of the "institutional church" is NOT the end-time apostasy that we've called it in the recent past...
The ARMY that's rising, is what JESUS prophetically saw when HE shared the Parable of the Wedding Feast. (Matthew 22)
"AND AGAIN Jesus spoke to them in parables (comparisons, stories used to illustrate and explain), saying, The kingdom of heaven is like a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son And sent his servants to summon those who had been invited to the wedding banquet, but they refused to come." (Matthew 22:1-3 AMP)
This passage powerfully ties into "the re-commissioning pronouncement"
of JESUS CHRIST to the Universal Church in Revelation 2 and 3 to The Seven Churches..
The "metrics for success in God's Kingdom" is NOT "celebrity status", yours or my -"name in lights" for self-benefit, or "untold riches without heavenly vision"!
ENOUGH of the self-serving visions and visionaries that vainly pursue profit-ends that have no real eternal implications or ramifications!
If YOU know that God is leading you to do EXACTLY what you're doing, but you feel like a lone-forerunner, or you are pathfinding in a "new field" or expanded territory that has been impacted by the many technological innovations and advancements that have occurred; "humble yourself under HIS Mighty Hand"!
In the days too come, there's going to be a clear glimpse and scope of Christ's End-Time Agenda that both energizes and reinvigorates the Church at large...
Most of the weariness attached to the Church right now, is founded in the inability of its "adrift leaders" from properly forecasting and HIS Higher Purpose at work, despite the darkness that seems to prevail!
One of the "interesting dynamics" I've noticed in my apostolic and prophetic journey is - each culture/ethnicity/nationality has a uniquely powerful contribution to God's Plan for the Ages!
For instance, the "macro vision of the Kingdom of God" (in my experience) seems more prevalently - adopted, forecasted and well-known amongst Caucasians, than African-Americans?!?
WHY? Because, "a people who still feel the scourge of injustice related to slavery", have a limited view of Christ's Overarching Agenda; and have a hard time "seeing themselves" - or their contribution to the whole..their STILL TRYING to "get theirs"!
As The Lord continues to use the different elements of societal upheaval and gross darkness to further HIS Agenda, "interracial contempt and strife" in Christ's Church is going to topple under the power of unity and love that uproots long-lived diabolical schemes that we've permitted!
WHEW..If you hear The Lord, please agree, decree and proceed as HE directs you..WS-3
Sent from my iPhone
As I'm preparing for my day, The Lord is permitting me too SEE - "the rapid expansion of the Kingdom of God in the earth"! WOW!
As HIS people are activated to both conceive and receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, to leverage the creative genius and co-creating power of believers worldwide , to both realize the impossible and walk in the supernatural, a sea of "sanctified" dreamers and visionaries are prophetically maneuvering into every field of society; and their culture shifting ideas and the transformational mechanisms assigned to the authentic message of the Kingdom of God and their unique purpose - is becoming more prevalent in the hearts and minds of HIS Body...Hallelujah!
No longer will Christ's Church reduce our greatest influence to "Christian TV appearances"!
The "rule of tradition" that has "made the commandments of men of no effect", has finally been uprooted, and "the signs in the earth to follow" will be pronounced and conspicuous!
The outdated and unspiritual rantings of backslidden and complacent people will now appear to "be" what it's always been....DEAD RELIGION!
The "vacating company of believers" out of the "institutional church" is NOT the end-time apostasy that we've called it in the recent past...
The ARMY that's rising, is what JESUS prophetically saw when HE shared the Parable of the Wedding Feast. (Matthew 22)
"AND AGAIN Jesus spoke to them in parables (comparisons, stories used to illustrate and explain), saying, The kingdom of heaven is like a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son And sent his servants to summon those who had been invited to the wedding banquet, but they refused to come." (Matthew 22:1-3 AMP)
This passage powerfully ties into "the re-commissioning pronouncement"
of JESUS CHRIST to the Universal Church in Revelation 2 and 3 to The Seven Churches..
The "metrics for success in God's Kingdom" is NOT "celebrity status", yours or my -"name in lights" for self-benefit, or "untold riches without heavenly vision"!
ENOUGH of the self-serving visions and visionaries that vainly pursue profit-ends that have no real eternal implications or ramifications!
If YOU know that God is leading you to do EXACTLY what you're doing, but you feel like a lone-forerunner, or you are pathfinding in a "new field" or expanded territory that has been impacted by the many technological innovations and advancements that have occurred; "humble yourself under HIS Mighty Hand"!
In the days too come, there's going to be a clear glimpse and scope of Christ's End-Time Agenda that both energizes and reinvigorates the Church at large...
Most of the weariness attached to the Church right now, is founded in the inability of its "adrift leaders" from properly forecasting and HIS Higher Purpose at work, despite the darkness that seems to prevail!
One of the "interesting dynamics" I've noticed in my apostolic and prophetic journey is - each culture/ethnicity/nationality has a uniquely powerful contribution to God's Plan for the Ages!
For instance, the "macro vision of the Kingdom of God" (in my experience) seems more prevalently - adopted, forecasted and well-known amongst Caucasians, than African-Americans?!?
WHY? Because, "a people who still feel the scourge of injustice related to slavery", have a limited view of Christ's Overarching Agenda; and have a hard time "seeing themselves" - or their contribution to the whole..their STILL TRYING to "get theirs"!
As The Lord continues to use the different elements of societal upheaval and gross darkness to further HIS Agenda, "interracial contempt and strife" in Christ's Church is going to topple under the power of unity and love that uproots long-lived diabolical schemes that we've permitted!
WHEW..If you hear The Lord, please agree, decree and proceed as HE directs you..WS-3
Sent from my iPhone
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