In the state-of-the-state for small to midsize congregations throughout the nation, COVID-19 and its Post-Pandemic fallout has required the leadership of these churches to adapt and to expand upon their ministry methods in actually reaching people; to extend patience and grace to curious online interests and distant parishioners with tremendous needs; as well as streamline budgets to reposition most ministries in both operational and outreach context in all aspects of the work; and, it is indeed been no small task or inconsequential exercise to do so.

When "lack" or "scarcity" (poverty) has a strong-hold or prevalent place in the current reality of churches — based upon a particular "set" of environmental, cultural and spiritual "realities", the potential outlook and planning is either spring-boarded (by faith) or flatlined (by fear) in these leaders and their congregations; because the reality of "felt needs" and real life, won't just mysteriously go away without possessing a heavenly vision that eventually possesses you.

Many of the leaders are having to deal with a litany of challenges and subsequent "life" issues that are well known to most "pastors in the trenches", which are consistently doing the work of ministry in His Name — but many times are feeling like their "in the blind" about confidently moving forward, in comparison to some of the "larger church congregations" that seem to have it all together; except their dealing with a different kind of burden, while trying to uphold the "false metric" that's NOT based in the realities of every day life for most people living in these scattered communities; full of contention, fear and isolation.

Although there are scattered representations and reports of exactly what the burden looks like (post-pandemic) that most church leaders have sustained in the face of such dramatic changes in our community landscapes. The prevailing question is —What will it be like as our congregations begin to physically meet again, while still dealing with the tears, fears and intimidation of feeling like they have little to no control over their lives and communities..

As a Church & Ministry Consultant since September of 1996, I believe that my journey and process will prove to be a great blessing to the emergence of EMPOWERING, EQUIPPING, as well as EDUCATING and training church leaders by actively pursuing:

MISSION DRIVEN AGILITY: Going forward, churches must determine what ministry methods work best "in their context". However, those church members and leaders who are aligned with their church's mission more than their church's traditions , will experience the necessary grace, freedom, and unity for exploring and embracing new methods that work in their cultural and operational environments without arm-twisting, muscling consent, or creating unnecessary "divides" and contentious relations. (I.e. — Sacred Cows, Old Traditions and Preferential Leadership)

LOCAL OUTREACH: As communities have grown closer, congregations will need to place higher ministry and budgetary priority on relational outreach within their local context. This will likely result in many church leaders and mission teams reviewing and re-prioritizing their supported plans, goals and ministry partnerships.

CHURCH COMMUNICATION: Ongoing and frequent congregational communication and expectations, will remain the norm. Therefore, churches will need to emphasize communication quality, consistency, church data management, online presence, and the development of their church "brand's" recognition.  

CHURCH FELLOWSHIP:  COVID-19 and The Pandemic has revealed that the one thing that cannot be virtually replaced, is physical human fellowship, touch-points and interaction. Sermons can be delivered via video, but congregational fellowship cannot. Going forward, churches will need to facilitate, celebrate, and allow for more congregational involvement and interaction during their congregational gatherings.

CHURCH FINANCES: Urban churches are experiencing 15% to 25% decline in giving and rural churches are experiencing a 25% to 35% decline in giving. Budgets have been streamlined for sustainability and will likely remain streamlined going forward. Volunteer efforts and lower-cost contractual services will likely be sought to fill necessary operational gaps. Three areas of budget increase will likely be necessary to ensure that you have a quality audio/video recording capacity, increased communication capacity, and to ensure the sanitization of your church's facilities are frequent and consistent.

ONLINE GIVING: Some of our small to midsize congregations are perhaps the last bastion of American check-writing cultures, and we all should be aware that many churches had online giving options before the COVID-19 social restrictions were enforced; but there were also many that did not. Online giving options have become a necessity — especially as use of cash is fading out for sanitary reasons. All churches need to equip attendees and members for online giving options, such as ACH transfers, online bill pay, debit/credit cards, etc. Furthermore, churches need to make budgetary provision for the fees associated with online giving; and make sure we all move into the 21st century!!

COUNSELING AND CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES: The pandemic has overwhelmed many families, individuals, and marriages to the hilt. Ministry services such as grief counseling, counseling services for marriage and family, and local Biblical counseling services — or solid counseling recommendations, will be absolutely important for both your congregation and community in the wake of this transitioning pandemic season. Are you ready for the "next pandemic emergency"?!?

VIRTUAL MEETINGS: It has become clear that online meeting venues work, can be more time-efficient, and are sustainable for certain types of church meetings. Be prepared to continue using online video platforms for various meetings as well as for certain trainings and transfer of ministry content. "Come up" in the tech space, and be no more associated with the "digital divide"!!

FOSTERING & ADOPTING CHURCHES: Some congregations have greatly struggled through the pandemic and need a church(es) to come along side of them for revitalization or to restart. Fostering or adopting such a church in your area or somewhere else in the city can become a "momentum building kingdom effort", with eternal ramifications. Keep your eyes, ears and hearts open to such opportunities! RACIAL RECONCILIATION could play a big part in fostering these partnerships in the here and now!!

INCREASED WORSHIP SERVICE OPTIONS: We are not certain when social distance restrictions will fully disappear or potentially reappear, God forbid. Until then, churches need to prepare their gatherings for social distance realities. Though some churches are philosophically opposed to this concept, in order to legally accommodate your congregational size, you may need to offer multiple worship services; and not on weekends only. Be prepared to maintain proper distance between family units; and be sure to evaluate your community expectations as well as your congregational convictions, norms and needs in light of these ongoing or potential restrictions.

DELEGATION & DISCIPLESHIP: Many churches have been confronted with an unrealistic over-dependence on pastoral and church staff. Delegation, equipping, and releasing people to use their skills and passions will be increasingly necessary, especially in the area of congregational care. Not the least of these areas should be the intentional equipping of parents to serve as the primary disciplers and spiritual leaders of their own children and teenagers. Release your church into the EPHESIANS 4 Model, where the five-fold ministry runs the church with a senior pastor so that EVERY NEED is met and supplied!!

EDUCATE. EDUCATE. EDUCATE.: Seek out and pursue the current and updated industry knowledge across the spectrum of the physical and social sciences, and HIRE DIFFERENTLY in your local churches; where MARKETPLACE POSITIONS play their priority and necessary roles, like: government liaisons, mental health practitioners, counseling professionals, case management workers, social work professionals, etc (THAT ARE ALSO MINISTERS OF THE GOSPEL) that can/will make the church more relevant, relatable and risk-oriented to the dramatic changes in culture and society for the powerful impact of our witness for Jesus Christ in the last days!!

Client Example:

Walter L. Smith III (WS-3)
WS-3 Enterprises & Associates, LLC.
Corporate Line: (424) 352-4940

California Office
Walter L. Smith III
1732 Aviation Blvd #945
Redondo Beach, CA 90278-2810

**Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018!

**Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator

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