
"Building Bridges - The LGBT & Christian Communities..."

My Thoughts on Homosexuality Disclaimer : This is not an attempt to be academic or empirical in the way that I approached writing this document, neither is it meant to be a comprehensive strategy to the many "fronts" that exist with this landmark issue.   I'm simply speaking from my heart, and I did NOT consult anyone about this issue as I've been prayerfully constructing this opinion – based upon my current or developing "biblical knowledge". Forgive my “limited knowledge” concerning the scope of the issue, as you read. Where you discover errors or omissions, please feed back to me at ( ), so that I can gain more insight and better understanding as I address this community that I love, despite our obvious differences. I'm not fragile, so don't waste time hurling insults - it really won't be given my precious energy, or affect me! God Bless!   ( Pastor Walter L Smith III; Published on 9/29/2011 )   P.S. - Read to...

"Your Greatest Days..."

There is a great urgency and heart-cry from so many people right now concerning being in God's will during this season. The problem with this is, our faith and obedience is the ONLY cooperation required to bring us into His perfect will - but these things still don't negate the process we all must go through! "Well - Why are SO MANY processes necessary to get into the place God has ordained? I'm really tired of waiting, and I don't know what else He could possibly want from me?" Does this sound a little familiar to you? Well, it probably does for many in this hour - but the questions point to the unrealistic expectations of many believers based upon the consumption of spiritual food that does not settle and establish you; like the meat of God's word! Anyone who REALLY has a significant assignment to fulfill must undergo God-processing, to build the capacity needed to handle the weighty purposes that the Father permits us to partner with Him in! DO Y...

"Growing Up!"

Every single day as we walk by faith and choose to live for Christ, we are guaranteeing fruitfulness, longevity and abundant life for today and for the future! Our race is won one day at a time, and our focus is not on impressing others, but expressing our heart-felt thoughts to one another and sharing intimate fellowship with the Father. We are not anxious or concerned about God fulfilling His promises to us—instead, we are keeping His promises on our lips and enjoying our journey, as we commit to prayer every step we take. We are not in a rush any longer—as we “walk with God”, our days get sweeter and our lives grow richer. GOT FAITH? God's plans don't change because of unexpected storms, prolonged delays or annoying distractions - these things reveal that His plans are real and that His grace can sustain us! As long as we trust that God will answer our prayers in His timing and do what is in our best interest (according to His will and purpose), all that He requ...

"Friends of God?"

“I do NOT want you to casually use the term “friend”, when it comes to your relationship with Me. Many times, more than you could imagine – this spiritual concept is misconstrued with a casual response to My commands; a looseness with My gentle prodding or dealings; and a deteriorating intimacy that becomes a cloak of sterile complacency with those who have shared sacred moments with Me, and falsely believe that any of My directions or instructions can be “massaged” or “re-prioritized” based upon their feelings and whims that they attribute to My spirit speaking to them. Abraham’s “friendship” was not based upon him gaining rank or special privilege with Me – born out of his perfect performance or giftedness. Abraham was My servant, and his intimacy was based upon him taking me at My word! His obedience to My commands opened the heavens over his life, and his submission to Me during the times of testing and strict obedience concerning offering his son Isaac – was more than the norma...

"Should Christians Consult Horoscopes?"

Our western culture is so desensitized to the existence of evil or demonic powers, and finds little, if anything wrong with consulting an "innocent horoscope".  But, the essence of these subtle, but diabolical predictions is false, because the conscious or subconscious actions taken as a result of being informed by the occult messages produces a presupposition and predisposition to the dark world that is vying for your attention at every waking moment. Horoscopes are a form of divination—seeking knowledge of the future and other unknown matters via the occult. The Church should reject horoscopes, along with all other forms of divination. This includes "astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to mediums." These attempts to "unveil" the future "all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powe...

"An Amazing Hunger For God"

There is an amazing hunger for God in the world today!   You might completely disagree with me , as you see the increase in religious adherents to new age philosophies and science of the mind practices.  But, these things are the evidence of a growing opportunity for true Christ followers to extend their hands to the desperate hearts all around us - wanting an experience of God's power, goodness and purpose in their lives! What's necessary right now is a true baptism in the fire of God's mercy and truth (making us RED HOT for Christ) , and a mass deliverance from religious ritual and tired traditions - so the power of God's spirit is able to invade the darkest, strangest (to us) and most unexpected people and places in the world ! In a recent article written by someone considered a part of the new age movement - I discovered a powerful article that shares "everything has a frequency."  'Well, wait a minute - Reverend!  That sounds new age to ...

"The 21st Century Apostolic Function"

I believe that ALMIGHTY GOD through the INEXHAUSTIBLE HEADSHIP of JESUS CHRIST, is releasing a "fresh new emergence" of HIS Ministry-Gifts in the New Testament Church today, as an extension and expanding work of Christ’s earthly ministry ( Reclamation of the Kingdom of Heaven ), including the function of the apostle.   The Greek word, apostolos refers to God’s special ambassadors or “sent ones”, who are commissioned to contend for pure doctrine , preserve unity among the saints , equip leaders , model Christian character , and help the church advance into new territory. As a "function" of  "the Gift" — Holy Spirit, believers or disciples of The Chief Apostle  Jesus Christ, whether functioning in what is traditionally referred to as the "Five-Fold Ministry" — ALL FUNCTIONARIES are "on a level playing field", without bureaucratic , hierarchical , or political distinctions ; which is most often SEEN in denominational settings, as an asid...