
Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc.'s - STATEMENT OF FAITH

PURE IN HEART INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES, INC. (PIHIM) Today, I post this " PIHIM Statement of Faith " on my blog, because its becoming increasingly important for "the church" to let the world abroad KNOW what we believe, and why... It is our ministry's theological position, by the direction of the Father, through the empowerment of His precious Holy Spirit, concerning the essential and non-essential Christian doctrines - that "all things" must be done in love and in the utmost sincerity, with the unity of the Holy Spirit and God's divine wisdom as the guiding force for every outreach effort, our fellowship amongst the brethren, the basis for every message that we proclaim in HIS name, and concerning our Christian witness to the world on behalf of Christ our Lord. The whole counsel of God is the irrevocable standard in which we interpret the Father's heart concerning our responsibility, and we preach and teach the word of faith and of power, b...


The "will of the people" is nothing I seek to influence or change, when "the facts", "the record" and "known characters" revealed. So, in turn, "give the people what they want", so I allow "hardened hearts" to delude, to deceive and steal. For a time, injustice seems to reign over righteousness; although MY sovereignty and providence never fail! Since you feel betrayed and are very dismayed, you question if you've heard ME for real? You surprised your hearts felt forsaken - by ME, or do you recognize YOU didn't miss ME one bit? "This season's all about "the FIRE" revealing EVERY THING, of what sort it is! Last night's news seemed like an assault on your faith, that only "observation and time" will win out. Your only mistake was not figuring out -the state of men's darkened hearts! How so, you say, the race is over and done, there's no changing what the people have ...

"IT'S HARVEST TIME..." - Prophetic Word for 2012/2013 Transition.

"IT'S HARVEST TIME..." Here is another story Jesus told: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field. But that night as the workers slept, his enemy came and planted weeds among the wheat, then slipped away. When the crop began to grow and produce grain, the weeds also grew. "The farmer's workers went to him and said, 'Sir, the field where you planted that good seed is full of weeds! Where did they come from?' "'An enemy has done this!' the farmer exclaimed. "'Should we pull out the weeds?' they asked. "'No,' he replied, 'you'll uproot the wheat if you do. Let both grow together until the harvest. Then I will tell the harvesters to sort out the weeds, tie them into bundles, and burn them, and to put the wheat in the barn.'" (Matthew 13:24-30 NLT) A truckload of purveyors, prognosticators and prophets with different "bents" will be proclaim...


In the "walk of faith", our primary responsibility is to act in obedience to whatever "He" says to do; but never to anxiously seek after provisions! In Matthew 6: 19-34 (NLT), the Bible says, "Don't store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be. "Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light. But when your eye is bad, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is! "No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other; you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money, "That is why I tell you...

"Don't Be Premature"

Based on I Kings 16 How often God makes us a promise, and we know that He has “anointed” us to fulfill a certain role.   We automatically and excitedly look for our shiny new promise to come to pass!   We know, we’ll begin to see the affects of this word from the Lord materialize any day now!   Well, you can imagine how David felt after being quickly summoned from his humble shepherding job into the house with his well-dressed father and brothers, and especially in the presence of the most notable, Prophet Samuel!   He must have been so shocked to find out that he would be the new king of Israel !   He was still a youth, after all!   In I Samuel 16:13, the Bible states, “and the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David from that day forward.”   Can you imagine how often David wondered “how in the world he would ever become king”, especially since, as far as he knew, the reigning king was alive and in good health.   At t...


Important Disclaimer : This Word of the Lord was received during a time of private devotion and worship with Jesus Christ in January of 2005. This was common for my departed wife and I, and that context is important to understand for those without the experience or exposure to God speaking. I'm reposting this over seven years later, because I'm now walking in the fulfillment of this powerful declaration - from the Father's heart to ours. Heed this rhema for your own life and ministry! WS-3 SCRIPTURAL BASIS: I Sam 16:5-14; Rom 9:14-23; I Peter 2:21-23; Amos 3:22-39; II Sam 12:7-14; 2 Samuel 16:5-14; Matt. 18:21-35; Proverbs 3:3-4; 2 Samuel 12:21-23   "When I speak to you concerning an area that I want you to make corrections, I see the end from the beginning; and often my intent is to help you to overcome a tendency or proclivity that could hinder your future intimacy and success.   Intimacy through your daily devotion with me is the key.   Getting underst...

"A Biblical Response to the Kingdom Message"

·        Since the Hoy Spirit is in the earth to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, as well as empower genuine Disciples of Christ to represent and reflect Christ to the lost and dying world – what is the message that the church is called to share? o    “Of sin” – because there is only one deadly sin, and that is the sin of not believing in Jesus Christ, or accepting the finished work as the only redeeming sacrifice for humanity’s sins.    God doesn’t care what you have done, or how dark your past sin may be.     I know this - that the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses a man from all sin, no matter what it is. (Jn. 3:17-18, Jn. 16:9) o    “Of righteousness” – because now no matter how godly, moral, honest, good, benevolent, or charitable you may be, you cannot make it on your own. We all need Jesus Christ. We all need to believe in Him. For believing in Him, our sins are forgiven....