

"MAKE US 'ONE' LORD, IN YOU".. Meditate on PSALM 37 the whole month of January.. Psalm 37 Commentary : In the 37th Psalm, David writes that God sustains the righteous ( Psalm 37:17 ) and that their inheritance will be everlasting ( Psalm 37:18 ). The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord ( Psalm 37:39 ). It is a psalm of God's faithfulness and an encouragement that the righteous do not trust Him in vain. Psalm 37:5 challenges the reader or listener to "commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him." In a perfect world, we wouldn't need God to be our refuge, because there would be no threats. But in this fallen and broken world, we desperately need Him to be our refuge. The psalmist instructs that we not fret or be envious because of those who do evil ( Psalm 37:1 ) because they will fade away quickly like the grass ( Psalm 37:2 ). Evil has no staying power. Even though evil gains a foothold in the short term and may...


"APOSTOLIC GOVERNMENT AND PROPHETIC ALIGNMENT THROUGH AUTHENTIC & CONSISTENT ENGAGEMENT" Pastor Walter: Please make sense of the 'Apostolic Government' and 'Prophetic Alignment' for me in laymen's terms? I want to know what to expect? " Apostolic Government " is about the very power, presence, and rule of Christ and His Kingdom (in the hearts of humanity) being the predominant influence that transforms lives in a greater dimension; because through the acceptance and appropriation of His Finished Work by those that believe — for the sake of the world, we will intentionally suffer, serve, and sacrifice as laborers sent on His behalf to advance the Kingdom of God. " Prophetic Alignment " is about the conscious commitment that devoted believers make in following the Holy Spirit's leadership for the times and seasons that we presently find ourselves, as “we walk by faith and not by sight”. Through this intent...

“Don’t End This Year In DEFEAT!”

“Don’t End This Year In DEFEAT!” Pastor Walter L Smith III and Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM; WS-3 Enterprises & Associates **VOICE OF THE FLESH** 1) INTERNAL VOICE = SOULISH/FEELINGS AND FALACY (Faulty Reasoning/Invalid Arguments) — SOUL TIES 2) EXTERNAL VOICE = SPIRITUAL/TRUTH AND REALITY (Real Existence/Substantive Arguments) — VOICE OF CONSCIENCE - DISTANT in your heart towards The Father.. - DAMAGED from trusting someone again; but you prayed and it still didn't work out.. - DELUSIONAL by trying to fit a square in a hole; and trying NOT to see what is obvious to the “natural eye”; you dont need discernment to SEE THIS! It is hard to imagine a being like Lucifer (Satan) believing he could even do battle with God, much less defeat Him. Even the most depraved mind should be able to see that a creature cannot possibly contend with the Creator. Yet Satan attempted to dethrone God and strives to this day to defy God’s authority, thwart His plans, and ...


HAPPY NEW YEAR's FAMILY! EVERYONE wants God to be good to them - even those who don't really serve HIM! Every year, no matter what seeds we've sown, there always seems to be something quite exciting about the New least in our "youthful thinking"! Somewhere there's an unwritten code and expectation of us all, about this time of the year!   For instance: - This is normally seen as the "perfect time" to get a tax write-off, even if you're not genuinely charitable any other time of the year. - This is the time that people "clean out" their Rolodexes of relationships, to evaluate who is "adding to their lives", etc..the problem with that is relationships were never meant to be transactional; so maybe focusing on "how to be a better person" would automatically be the only stewardship required, as it pertains to building and maintaining your "healthy" relationships.. I...


"Christ-Identity" is really the most liberating existence in our human experience, when our understanding of the Scripture is properly balanced, if the voices we faithfully follow have been approved "to rightly divide the Word of Truth". "Denominational Preferences", "Theological Slants", and "Philosophical Bents" have little to no importance to that "identity in Christ", if or unless our focus in cultivating, developing and nurturing our relationship with The Lord, is primarily focused upon these things as a priority. Each of us have been in some way or the other - influenced by these things, which are not inherently evil; but may act as a major distraction to our truly growing "in The Lord", and in turn "being the witness" that HE has purposed - without living as a hostage to humanly devised commandments, traditions and uniformity that can never bring us "into the unity of the faith...


"Prophetic Words" become "pathetic words", when we allow circumstances, fears or situational occurrences to influence our "speaking on HIS behalf! With a focus on "destiny without sound decisions"; "seeking our purpose - without dying to self"; and "being mightily used - without having a servant's heart", no wonder everything some one prophesies - that doesn't require the Holy Spirit's involvement to discern, is interpreted to be a "prophetic word"! Why is this even important, Pastor? Because, the Body of Christ must continue to grow into the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ, without allowing the imbalance associated with false prophecy, or merely predicting the future of individuals apart from HIS Redemptive Purpose; which is NOT what prophecy is supposed to be about in obeying The Lord no matter how dark or blaring the unknown may be! Be careful what you ingest and digest, ...


The "small foxes" are "deadly openings for demonic retaliation", so that's the reason your consecration requirement will not become more lax or lessened, as you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ! Don't begrudge what The Lord requires, in regards to honorable usefulness to HIM! You're being called higher, so you can go deeper and farther than "the norm"! FOLLOW HIM! WS-3 Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center For Kingdom Advancement  Corporate Line: (424) 359-9180 California Office Walter L. Smith III 1732 Aviation Blvd #945 Redondo Beach, CA 90278-2810 **Leadership Greater Rochester, Class of 2018! **Gallup Strengths: Positivity, Learner, Connectedness, Responsibility, & Activator This message is intended only for the use of the address and may cont...