ABSOLUTELY, because:
1. We send "mixed messages" that has no agreement or alignment with God's Word..
2. We judge some "sins", while openly committing other sins ourselves..
3. We treat our confessions, feelings and past experiences, like their holy or sacred; but there not..
4. We hold grudges and gossip — as much or even more than "the world"; and we don't FULLY represent Jesus Christ in and through every area of our lives..
5. We reject the "gospel truth", if it doesn't agree with our religious denomination, our contrary decision making, or our political and partisan determinations..
6. We live our lives for ourselves, but think that we're doing the will of God — just because we "attend church"..
Can I ask you ONE QUESTION..
WS-3 🙏🏽💯🎯🔥🔥 w/Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc. - PIHIM
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