
"WHAT are the Greater Works of Christ?"

The "greater works" of Christ relates to the deeper submission and fiery intensity of our passion for His heart and purpose! It's NOT a greater demonstration of miracles, signs or wonders "only", which in the wrong context will lead people to a greater dependence upon us! Jesus said, "greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father"; but the proper context is sandwiched by Christ revealing that: a) He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life; b) answered prayer comes from praying in His name, and representing all that "He is"; and c) His departure was required in order for the Helper or Holy Spirit to be present with us in a representation to the world, which includes demonstrations of power that lead others back to Him, through the redemptive plan that reconciles the lost back to God, not us! If the ascendancy of Christianity in the earth does not hold Christ as the chief priority and place Him in His rightful position in heart...

There Are NO Exemptions In Redemption!"

The idea that there are no exemptions in redemption by Christ's blood is  based on the belief that redemption is available to everyone, regardless of their sins or how society may view them .   Here are some Bible verses that support this idea:   Ephesians 1:7-10 —  This verse states that redemption is available through Christ's blood, which paid the penalty for sin and resulted in forgiveness and pardon.   1 Peter 1:18-19 —  This verse states that people have been redeemed with Christ's precious blood.   1 John 1:7 and Revelation 1:5 —  These verses state that people have been cleansed an d washed from their sins by Christ's blood.   Hebrews 9:27-28 —  This verse states that Christ was sacrificed once and died once for the sins of mankind. There are no exemptions in redemption,  and this truth destroys the Galatianism and legalistic ramblings of philosophical extremist and fundamentalist, who attempt to add to the Finished Work of...

"GRACE to Forget?"

The "grace to forget" does not mean that our recall or remembrance of past disappointments, issues or hurts are completely erased from our hearts and minds! It is simply a faith-recognition and acknowledgement that the only way to move forward is to stop looking backwards. "Forgetting things which are behind, and pressing towards those things which are before us" is God's remedy for us monopolizing on everything that has happened up to the point that we "see" what He can only reveal once He has our undivided attention. Those "attention-getters" are a refining mechanism in the walk of faith, and dramatically shifts us back into alignment and agreement with His heart, as our reframing and retraining becomes a priority in the learning curves and educational moments that make us powerful proponents of His purpose above our pursuits! Our definitions of what is "meaningful and useful" for our lives then shifts to making the most ...

"The Bridegroom Message"

A Call To Active Intimacy With God 10 The Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God...12 we have received...the Spirit...that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God. (1 Cor. 2:10-12) A. The Bridegroom Message is a call to active intimacy with God. The Bridal Message speaks of God’s invitation for us to experience the deep things of His heart (emotions and affections). To enjoy active intimacy with Jesus includes feeling His heart for us and others. The Bridal Message also speaks of experiencing Jesus’ emotions (desires and priorities). 18 You may be able to comprehend…. the width and length and depth and height-- to know the love of Christ... (Eph 3:18-19) B. To understand Jesus as a passionate - Bridegroom is to soon see ourselves as a cherished Bride. Intimacy causes our hearts to be lovesick for Jesus (inflamed; enraptured; overcome by His love). This prophecy emphasizes that we will “call out” in two different directions. Fir...

"What is Apostolic Pre-Millennialism?"

Apostolic Pre-Millennialism A. We use the term “apostolic” as an adjective to describe the vision, values, and perseverance (in persecution) of the New Testament Church, as raised up under the leadership of the first century apostles. In other words, Apostolic Christianity embraces a New Testament lifestyle. B. “Apostolic eschatology” speaks of a view of the End-Times that reflects the vision, power and lifestyle of the New Testament Apostolic Church. Apostolic eschatology will equip believers for apostolic (New Testament) lifestyles and perspectives in the midst of the coming great revival and persecution. I refer to apostolic eschatology as “Apostolic Pre-Tribulation/Pre-Millennialism.” This view calls the Church to victory, wholeheartedness and relevance in the midst of gross darkness. C. Apostolic Christianity or New Testament Christianity will emerge in the End-Times as the Spirit raises up a victorious Church that operates in unprecedented unity, intimacy and matu...

"The Grace Card?"

There is a subtle - but noticeable fear amongst many leaders in the Body of Christ, about the isolation and stigmitization of speaking-out against sin.  If the leader appears to be righteously indignant towards sins that could possibly communicate intolerance for things that may be generally acceptable or culturally prevalent , any vocal disagreement seems to characterize some level of hypocrisy , prejudice and  perverted judgment - and no one wants "Cain's mark" to be associated with their names. Hypocrisy because, every leader has some "issue" their dealing with - "so who are they to talk!" Prejudice because, every leader "values and devalues" based upon personal preference and experience without thoroughly investigating what they choose to judge - unless their completely resigned to give God first place in every area of their hearts and lives. Perverted judgment because, many leaders choose which things they'll "deal...

"The Blessed Life"

Every believer who is a part of the Kingdom of God should have an " Action Plan for Living a Life of Gratitude, Fulfillment and Abundance!"   Many men of God, including Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church in Texas, calls this "The Blessed Life". I remember when I first began reading his book...I was sitting in the hospital room with my beloved wife during the last sixty-days of her life. I remember how overwhelmingly blessed I felt, despite the numerous cancer battles we'd previously experienced over a twelve-year period - and the present battle we were currently in. My wife's nurse was such a beautiful Russian-Jewish lady, who had the sweetest countenance, and cared for Charlene with the utmost dignity and thoughtfulness; even during these very difficult times, where being totally incontinent and unable to take care for herself on many different levels, was absolutely heartbreaking. As I sat in that bright and beautiful private hospital room ...