
How Can We “Guarantee Change” in 2019?

How can YOU and I "guarantee change" in 2019? Changes don't come by "invisible things" falling out of the sky! Change comes as we: a) renew our minds through God's Word, and b) choose to both believe, receive and confess ALL of God's Promises back to Him! When GOD sees that we're pursuing HIM "with all of our hearts", HE not only gives us the desires "in" our hearts, but also "of" our hearts; which means HE changes "what motivates us" and "what we seek after".. When we're "led by the Spirit" instead of being "controlled by our flesh or feelings", our obedience in following HIM, and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us each day, brings about God's best into our lives -- and then, the change that comes into our individual lives, transforms us from the inside-out! "2019 is...The Year of Unfolding Majesty & Supernatural Identity in Christ"! GET THERE, by shifting a...


"Unfolding Majesty" & "Supernatural Identity" are represented by knowing that... 2019 Themes : detachment from "old" images, '"abnormal" identities and "perverse" imaginations supernatural orientations will revolutionize unfruitful reservations and unproductive determinations.. "recognition" will accelerate needed transitions from—to, and timely dispositions will converge around divine priorities and heaven's scheduled manifestations and transfers of wealth.. "treasure hunting" (child-like imaginings) and intimate devotion (intentional exploration) will progressively unfold into "clarity of vision" and "deepening preparations of the heart" for alignment with His Heart.. " It's time "! This is a season of suddenlies , divine turnarounds , rapid repositioning , accelerated answers , new roads , new rivers , new income streams ! As God's children,...


Because “the heart is deceitful above all things” according to scripture, “race, as a social construct”, is even possible.. Today, with all of our internet access and learning, there’s still so much ignorance, misinformation and hostility on display, especially during some of these intense social media conversations about “race”.  Because, all too often, we ASSUME that every time we (minorities) SEE disparities or disproportionality of any kind — we’re seeing “racism” or prejudice at work.. WHEN, some of the reason these biases, incongruences and injustices exists and are so prevalent, is due to “the context” in which they are administered, presented, and understood concerning the challenges, experiences and history of certain cultural and ethnic persons or groups.. As an example, “cultural colloquialisms” have a specific meaning or context, based upon THE COMMON EXPERIENCE of the said person or group that encounters them “in their skin”.. Meaning, YOU (white, green, yello...

Seasons of Difficulty..

If you share any commonality with my personal testimony or life experience, then you know what is it to “suffer long”, and actually “wait upon the Lord” to defend, to help or to restore to you “according to HIS Will” — But, even if you don’t have a familiar story like mine, “seasons of difficulty” don’t serve much of a purpose in our own hearts and minds, until GOD “shows us” the importance of the various crucibles and crosses we must weather; to truly represent HIS Heart and HIS Name in and throughout every aspect of our lives.. And, you can’t even “say that” and “mean it”, without truly being HIS Child, by FIRST having committed “you and your house” to follow HIM all of the days of your lives, while also consistently dedicating yourself to HIS Cause and HIS Kingdom — during the various seasons of life that challenges your faith and your trust in the Living God! After all, you “know” what it is to “hear the voice of the accuse” louder than (or as loud) as “the voice of your ...


The "metric for success" in the mountain of RELIGION, has become so tainted, tilted and turbulent (spiritually speaking), that some people don't really know whether their coming or going in respect to their relationship with Christ, in the so-called progress" of our me-centered churches that are supposed to be doing EVERYTHING "in the name of The Lord".. I understand why it's so easy for many of us to become misaligned and disjointed with the "where we are" moment by moment in our walk of faith.  Because we're all quite shallow in our heart dispositions towards what "real suffering" truly looks like. The "desire to grow", coupled with the "openness to change" – believe it or not, is the primary barrier to most "church growth", based upon the years of consultancy and research on the "culture" of many churches around the globe.   What do you mean? This innate desire to spiritu...

Religion and Politics Don’t Mix?

Q. "Walter: Why did you decide to run for a political office as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and what do you think you can accomplish by winning District 25B in the Minnesota Legislature? A. My goal in running for political office through "civil service" as a Christian, is to strategically build bridges from the Kingdom of God into the political arena, as well as through my civic activities and involvement in social causes. First, we ought to express our political beliefs in the voting booth! Secondly, it is also appropriate to support legitimate measures designed to correct a glaring social or political wrong.  Complete noninvolvement in politics as a Christian would be contrary to what God's Word says about doing good in society: "Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith" (Gal. 6:10; cf. Titus 3:1-2).  It would also display a lack of gratitude for whatever amount of religi...


Walter L. Smith III Founder/President Pure In Heart Int'l Ministries, Inc./ The Center For Kingdom Advancement  1445 Valleyhigh Dr NW #7052 Rochester, MN 55901-9998 1-800-973-8533, Ex t. 700 and 701