
"Harvest-Minded": 'The World Needs ME!'

This morning at approximately 4:30am, I woke up to hearing the words "The Harvest" - which directly connected me back to words I heard and received from my global accountability (spiritually speaking)through Papa Lyle Randles of Life Connections Int'l , who lives in Santa Monica, California. Papa Lyle reminded me of both the explicit use and timely nature of my obedience to be "harvest-minded", and not to allow anything else to distract me in this season - that is pregnant with God's purpose for reaching the world for His glory and honor.  This exchange that he and I had several weeks back during our normal conferencing time, reminded me of this powerful word that my wife (Charlene) and I received in 2005 during an explosive time of intercessory-worship; while simply seeking the Lord as our normal routine. In the months to come, God is showing me that the substance of this word below is going to be accelerated till its final completion in my life! This...

"Understanding God's Intent For True Worshippers"

"As long as my people seek to control My presence, as if you're the authorizing agency in the way it is dispensed and released, only a shadow or fragment of My power is able to reach and touch the people; who desperately need My healing hand to be revealed on every occasion that you corporately meet. My people are "channels and vessels", but you are NOT "manufacturers and manipulators" - if you permit your transparency and open hearts to be the source of everything that you represent "of Me" before the people. This casual acquaintance and disingenuousness can "claim an experience" with My presence - and get an emotional response from My people, but truly shares no intimate bond or understanding of "why your access and entrance" into the Holy of Holies is without restriction or limitation; and, its ONLY because of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. The dissidence or clamor that comes from confused agendas in church, is f...

"The Psychology of Entertainment & the Spiritual Impact of Entertaining...": ‘The Application’

" What does the "psychology of entertainment" have to do with the "spiritual impact of entertaining"? The subtleties of satanic influence occurs the most in the lives of believers in Christ Jesus, when the deceptive feelings of invincibility and the twisted thoughts of self-importance, begins to perversely contaminate and skew our ability to discern the drifting and shifting in our own hearts; and the key to consistently overcoming is by intentionally "guarding our hearts -- with all diligence and vigilance", KNOWING that "out of our hearts flow the issues of life"! In everything that carries the potential for "abundance" comes the freedom to choose or select anything that delights our tastes; the opportunity to experience new things in the "spur of the moment" - often with little concern of the consequence or potential of "interim setbacks" and conflicts; and our normal standards of conduct and value systems ...

"FAVOR is Fair!"

The dictionary's definition of FAVOR is an "attitude of approval or liking" that is based upon some identifiable characteristics or qualities that attracts the one extending their goodness or graces to another. "Biblical Favor" is distinctly different because Christ, as our only Perfect Substitute and Perfect Sacrifice, eternally captured the Father's attention and heart, by securing the ultimate approval through His Finished Work; and as the unselfish and undivided unity of the Godhead's composite agenda was realized through the ministry of Jesus, true disciples of Christ become the "beneficiaries" of His resurrection life and power (favor) for all who believe! With this truth in mind concerning God's favor, all self-righteousness and all narcissistic behavior, will cease! There should be a feeling of honor and reverence for God extending His goodness towards us, but we must never make favor about any fleshly quality or goodness of our...

"The kings 'Behind' the kings"!

‘Special Insights On Spiritual Government & Spiritual Warfare' "Can God's Goodness Be Understood By His Government?": Note: The purpose of this blog post is to frame a proper understanding of the spiritual (angelic and demonic) governments, so that we may begin to comprehend on another level - the goodness of God, as opposed to the wickedness of the devil and his diabolical operation. Its also important to note that God's overarching rule, creative genius, and sovereign influence is present in every spiritual and earthly government, which He governs in His providential care on behalf of humanity. God's goodness is often blurred and confused: whereby evil is wrongfully attributed to God the Father and to our Redeeming Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Understanding "the goodness of God" is the first important point, and the most critical principle of the Bible's empowering truths on this subject, both to properly discern our spiritual war...

What is True Kingdom Advancement?

True Kingdom Advancement is… 1.        New Testament Biblical Christianity in the Gospel message and targeted outreaches of the Apostolic and Prophetic Company of believers ( Kings and Priests ) that pray, worship and fellowship together. 2.        “Shared” spiritual leadership (five-fold gifting) with the highest regard for the uniqueness of each function of every member that encourages qualitative and quantitative growth without hierarchal power struggles. 3.        Public ministry governed and established upon the one commandment, “LOVE”, which acts as the foundation for the operation of every manifestation of the Spirit, the fruit evidenced in and through the life of every member, and the radical liberality and freedom of the entire local fellowship - without taking license to sin, by God’s grace alone. 4.        Uniform accountability, respect and support, ...