
"Impacting Your Generation"

When God called a prophet to their generation in the past, He familiarized he or she with their assignment; He introduced them to their audience; and He prepared them for the associated atacks of the opponents and critics that would act as sources of growth and development, during the walk of faith with Christ! According to Hebrews 1:1-2,God "has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds." According to Revelation 19:10,"For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." Since Christ accomplished the "finished work", every functioning five-fold ministry gift should be all about seeking His exaltation and glorification, until the ultimate redemption of our bodies - or at His Second Coming. The consummation, restitution and restoration of all things in Christ will occur in these last days, as Christ fills all-in-all. To the degree that we will empty ourselves and become ...

"The TRAYVON MARTIN Story: God, Please Change Our Hearts"

What do we do with this Tragedy? Tragedy as an "Opportunist".- reacting to tragic circumstances with profit motives to champion an agenda, but with no real committed desire or dedicated response that's needed to encourage change and transformation in the hearts of people. Tragedy as an "Advocate". - doing what you do everyday, to curb the tide of economic, prejudicial or social injustice Tragedy as a "Catalyst". - an event or occurrence that forces complacent or dying communities to go deeper than the surface of miscarriages of justice or systemic negligence and prejudice Whose to blame? George Zimmerman is on the "hot seat" for good reason in the tragic death of Trayvon Martin, and he should be! But, the growing response to this particular incident should quicken "our community" and "our generation" to the horrible reality that hatred, injustice, prejudice and wickedness still exist. What should we (the general community)...

"SATAN is a LIAR!"

As long as “the devil made me do it” exists within the 4-walls of the church, darkness, depravity and defeat will render God’s people - in a state of excuse for untamed lust, deflective irresponsibility and ruinous deception, because - Holy Spirit is either grieved or quenched in the life of the believer, due to "flesh" glorying in His presence. "Satan" means adversary – to "divine" purpose (to worship God), to "divine" design (to be made in HIS image and after HIS likeness), and to "divine" destiny (to steward the earth) – which are all, connected as one. In I Peter 5:8, the Bible says, “Be sober (self-controlled), be vigilant (watchful), because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he my devour." READ : Revelations 12:7-12, Isaiah 14:12-17 (verse 16), John 10:10, I John 4:1-4 Satan, playing or fulfilling his role as "deceiver", is able to kill, steal and destroy - where an indi...

Fwd: [New post] Engraved for His Glory

PLEASE FORWARD. Sent from Walter's IPAD Walter L. Smith III (WS-3) Begin forwarded message: From: touch and go < > Date: February 3, 2012 5:04:40 AM EST To: Subject: [New post] Engraved for His Glory New post on touch and go Engraved for His Glory by Melissa Flores ...

"Apostolic Government & Prophetic Alignment in 2012": THE CHARGE

In order for the Universal Church in the 21st Century to remain relevant and respondent to Christ's Inexhaustible Headship in the present reformation, we must be "apostolic" in our theology and operation - to SEE the government of God influence and impact our local fellowships, our communities, and the nations for God's Glory! A church is an "apostolic house" when their desires to produce an "apostolic mindset" or servant-hearted attitude, and the prophetic thrust that guarantees God's Power and Presence as an extension of Christ's ministry in the earth, will experience the increasing and intensifying weight of His Personhood, in transforming His people into His likeness, more and more! The "manifesting sons" cooperatively align and agree with Christ as His ambassadorial representatives that take the mandate to occupy and disciple the nations to heart. We sacrifice, serve and suffer for righteousness sake until Christ return...

"Harvest-Minded": 'The World Needs ME!'

This morning at approximately 4:30am, I woke up to hearing the words "The Harvest" - which directly connected me back to words I heard and received from my global accountability (spiritually speaking)through Papa Lyle Randles of Life Connections Int'l , who lives in Santa Monica, California. Papa Lyle reminded me of both the explicit use and timely nature of my obedience to be "harvest-minded", and not to allow anything else to distract me in this season - that is pregnant with God's purpose for reaching the world for His glory and honor.  This exchange that he and I had several weeks back during our normal conferencing time, reminded me of this powerful word that my wife (Charlene) and I received in 2005 during an explosive time of intercessory-worship; while simply seeking the Lord as our normal routine. In the months to come, God is showing me that the substance of this word below is going to be accelerated till its final completion in my life! This...

"Understanding God's Intent For True Worshippers"

"As long as my people seek to control My presence, as if you're the authorizing agency in the way it is dispensed and released, only a shadow or fragment of My power is able to reach and touch the people; who desperately need My healing hand to be revealed on every occasion that you corporately meet. My people are "channels and vessels", but you are NOT "manufacturers and manipulators" - if you permit your transparency and open hearts to be the source of everything that you represent "of Me" before the people. This casual acquaintance and disingenuousness can "claim an experience" with My presence - and get an emotional response from My people, but truly shares no intimate bond or understanding of "why your access and entrance" into the Holy of Holies is without restriction or limitation; and, its ONLY because of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. The dissidence or clamor that comes from confused agendas in church, is f...